Patient Zero Exonerated – IOTW Report

Patient Zero Exonerated

After lengthy research, the guy blamed for starting the AIDS epidemic was proven not to be “patient zero.”

The virus most likely started in Haiti, or another Caribbean locale, and first made landfall in NYC in the late 60s.

Perhaps what made the charge stick was the Canadian born guy’s name- Gaetan Dugas. (Gay Tan Dug Ass.) But that’s just my theory, one that I just developed after seeing the patient’s name again after 20 years. (I’m much more juvenile now than I was then.)

Or maybe it had to do with his unwillingness to accept how HIV spread, as seen in this clip.

Gays went from being upset that authorities shut down gay baths and warned them not to be promiscuous with strangers at a whore’s clip to blaming Reagan for not saying AIDS out loud, as if any utterance by Reagan would have been met by a sober decision to heed his warning.


Rob E.

15 Comments on Patient Zero Exonerated

  1. They really did bring it on themselves. You’re right. They were the ones who refused to change their behavior. They fought every measure to try and contain the virus. And then, when it proceeded to spread like wildfire due to their own actions, they blamed the Government and more specifically Reagan for the spread. Idiots.

  2. I still get saddened when I think of a very beloved distant cousin of mine. His was one of the earliest deaths from AIDS. Back then, it was a horrible, hideous way to die.

  3. I read a book years ago by a guy named Ed Haslam( I believe) titled; Mary, Ferry and the Monkey Virus. I’m sure its long out of print, but even if it was b.s., it was still very interesting with its tie in to Mary Shelton, David Ferry, and the supposed research that was being conducted by “dark, sinister forces”…in NOLA to create a deadly virus targeting a certain ethnic group, before, during and after the JFK assassination.

  4. It’s amazing isn’t how the science is always “settled” until it’s not. Dislike his lifestyle or not it sounds like this Gaeton fellow was hounded until the day he died because of what has turned out to be bad science and a bad bestseller. You really have to wonder whether something like this at least makes the climate scientist brownshirts think twice, at least a little. Naw, it may cut some speaking fees and that big consulting contract.

  5. The CDC reported yesterday that STDs are out of control. And guess which demographic is responsible? Fags. It’s more important to them to fuck anything that moves without even taking the time to slip a condom on because that gets in the way of their perpetual self-indulgence and self-destruction.

    Remind me again why promiscuous turdpunching ambulatory disease vats are so special and wonderful to our cultural make-up?

  6. “Worobey believes a chimp first infected a human in Africa in the early 20th century.”

    Think about that. How did a chimp infect a human? A bite? Spit? Other?

    No matter the beginning, the promiscuity of society has caused the spread.

  7. I read “The Myth of Heterosexual Aids” by Michael Fumento in 1993-ish. It was pooh-poohed by everyone but a very respected infectious disease specialist I knew. He would just refuse to comment and smile. It was all a sham and used sympathy to advance their sick goals. Pathetic.

  8. Liberals were hoping to have the disease kill off gays. That’s the only plausible reason that they never did partner histories to stop the spread.

    Just as liberals taut free abortions to control populations of the ‘deplorables’.

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