Patriot Prayer Cancels Today’s Rally in San Francisco – IOTW Report

Patriot Prayer Cancels Today’s Rally in San Francisco

After reviewing the security measures being taken by the city against the threats of violence, the leader of the group Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, has called off today’s rally at Crissy Field in San Francisco.

In a Facebook post last night Gibson stated that “A lot of people’s lives aren’t going to be safe. The rhetoric from Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Ed Lee, the media, all these people are saying we’re white supremacists, bringing in tons of extremists, and it just seems like a huge set-up, so we’re not going to fall into that trap, we’re not going to rally at Crissy Field.”





18 Comments on Patriot Prayer Cancels Today’s Rally in San Francisco

  1. And that is the goal of Antifa. They want to terrorize people into silence.

    Sadly, Nancy Pelosi gave them a huge assist in accomplishing this. Because Democrats hate the Bill of Rights almost as much as they hate the unborn.

  2. Actually, this was a brilliant move. He gets free press to expose the left, meanwhile, all the Soros-funded left-wing terrorist groups have been mobilized for nothing. All dressed up and nothing to blow (up).

  3. The war has been waged quietly, in America’s public school classrooms, colleges, seminaries, churches, and media, for a couple generations. We’re just now seeing the logical conclusion, the manifestation of the ideas of the Left.


    Put up fliers, email radical organizations, post on twitter, intentions to do patriotic prayer circles, Robert E. Lee support rallies, and the like.

    The ANTIFA people will wear themselves out showing up for things that never happen.

    THEN, tell them it was false to get them to appear, and the REAL RALLY is clear across town, so hurry up and get over there!

    🍊 That’ll keep ’em busy….

  5. “The rhetoric from Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Ed Lee, the media, all these people are saying we’re white supremacists, bringing in tons of extremists, and it just seems like a huge set-up”

    And he has to keep saying that every chance he gets! Make that crazy bitch, the other crazy dems and the media own antifa and blm.

  6. And now the funny thing is that the libtards filled the park area with dog poop thinking it would be funny for the Prayer rally folks to step in it. Now are they going to go clean up all the poop like they said they were or leave it for the poor slobs that work at the park.

  7. Nah, it was the best thing to do because no matter how you slice it, the Prayer Rally would have come out on the short end of the stick given the people there in gov’t who support the radical Left. I think it was the guy with the nail bat who was planning on being there with his people, too. That would have been awful. Someone would have been murdered today.

  8. Wouldn’t it be great if a group of America-loving patriots announced TWO MASSIVE RALLYS in TWO SEPARATE CITIES on the same day, drawing a MASSIVE COUNTER-PROTEST to each city, only to find out the ACTUAL RALLY was in a third city at the geographic midpoint between the two cities?

  9. MJA — I was thinking they’ll probably show up anyway just to make their point and given the Left’s love of provocation and violence (death to “pigs” is a stated goal, right?) they’ll end up having a fight with any other group who shows up. Then some certifiable crazy person will do something — and guess what? No Prayer Rally to blame it on! LOL!

    Art of the Zeal — Oh ho! That would be hilarious!

  10. Smart Move, It Exposes Lib’s and Turns The Tables on Them !
    How is it That The Far Far Right is Grabbing Conservative Media Time ? Hmmm Let’s Think Who Would Do Such A Thing ? We Are Visually Being Replaced With The KKK !!! Very Clever, These Guys are The Democrats Sacrificial Lamb !
    But We’ll Be The True Victims , That’s Their Goal !!!

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