Patriotic London pub renamed ‘The Trump Arms’ to honor president – IOTW Report

Patriotic London pub renamed ‘The Trump Arms’ to honor president

The owner says that business went up, and there are no protestors.


“This is an incredible man, you know, and we have to show the American people and the president that he’s a tremendous operator and a great man for his country and the world,” said Damien Smyth to FOX Business’ Stuart VarneyOpens a New Window. on Tuesday.

Smyth decorated his Irish pub in USA and Trump theme and hung a temporary sign outside that reads: “Welcome our American Friends.” As a result, business is booming.

“We have had tremendous business from local its suppers and visiting tourists as well,” he said.


4 Comments on Patriotic London pub renamed ‘The Trump Arms’ to honor president

  1. “local its suppers” ?
    These girls top the pole dancers in this county,,,
    I digress, please excuse me,
    Signed in wrongly, thought this was CNN,
    My bad,,,
    BTW, takes your bitch ass accountants 90 days to pay me for my tripe?


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