Paul: ‘Easily 35 No Votes’ Against Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0 – IOTW Report

Paul: ‘Easily 35 No Votes’ Against Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday afternoon that he expects House Speaker Paul Ryan will be forced to pull the American Health Care Act (AHCA) before a scheduled Thursday vote because Ryan will not get the votes to pass the legislation.

The AHCA has been dubbed “Obamacare Lite” by Paul — a leading conservative critic of the plan — and by other conservatives as “RyanCare,” “RINO-Care,” and “Obamacare 2.0,” since the bill does not actually fully repeal Obamacare and keeps many of the main structures that the now-former President Barack Obama installed in the healthcare system. It has come under intense scrutiny from both sides of the Republican Party — moderates and conservatives are lining up against the bill — and Ryan, despite publicly projecting confidence, cannot find the necessary 216 votes to pass the legislation.

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20 Comments on Paul: ‘Easily 35 No Votes’ Against Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0

  1. @flip March 22, 2017 at 7:43 am

    It’s nostalgia. They worked so hard to pass that bill that they didn’t read, because they couldn’t read it before they passed it, that it’s just emotionally hard to start all over again.

  2. Ryan and the Mensheviks are trying to hide behind ObolaCare to keep the more odious aspects while lying to the Americans about “Repealing and Replacing.”

    Ryan is disingenuous. The Mensheviks are greedy scoundrels who have sold their souls for cups of rice, and now want a bigger payoff.

    They are attempting to hide their perfidies behind ObolaCare, thus sidestepping the blame for this continued abomination – it ain’t working – so far.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What?
    There are congressmen and senators who know Ryan’s healthcare bill is a polished turd and not the diamond in the rough he has sold them? Before long our elected representative may even listen to the people who voted for them and deliver what they promised….REPEAL. No more slight of hand, Ryan.

  4. Looks like the Conservatives are actually going to crush
    this bill. Trump should thank everyone of them.
    Trump said he didn’t need conservatives I think they just bailed his ass out of the RHINO BILL!
    Go Freedom Caucus!

  5. makes you wonder what part of repeal the politicians don’t understand?

    why replace?
    how about letting the free market sort it all out?
    oh, can’t do that the cost curve might actually bend down like promised.

    they can’t repeal it, because once they admit the government can’t fix health care then they pretty much admit the government can’t really fix anything.

    then we might realize, why do we need them?

  6. Paul Ryan is too smug and happy about the current RINOcare bill and that’s not a good sign. Repealing, not replacing Obamacare is the right course of action. Trump’s plan to phase it out is unnecessary and problematic – just kill the monster and be done with it.

  7. Man after reading the comments here I think some people need to do a little research to see exactly whats going on. This is much more complicated to unwind than just repeal and replace. And it’s a squandered opportunity. I don’t trust Ryan anymore than anybody else here but he’s not the only one involved in figuring this out. Yesterday Mike Lee, the biggest NeverTrumper ever, was in front of some ones mic bitching about this Bill and then he gets to the part about what SHOULD be done and describes the very same framework they are trying to implement. That interview is on the Right Poop if you want to look for yourself.

  8. IGNORE Rand Paul. He has been lying for two weeks straight saying the ‘individual mandate is still in the bill’. Criticizing the tax credits as a ‘new entitlement’ when the exact same tax credits are in HIS repeal bill. The bill WILL pass the house tomorrow, it WILL pass the Senate shortly thereafter and it will be signed by our president before April 15th. Period.

  9. CSTucker,

    The government may giveth tax credits and the government may taketh tax credits away.

    The angst and anger of conservatives elected Trump. Conservatives can take him out or make him irrelevant just as quickly. If Trump intends to remain true to his word, he’ll veto this damn thing instantly and insist on a full stand-alone repeal bill.

    These psychopaths in congress whom supposedly ‘represent’ us, don’t. If they did, ObamaCare repeal would be one friggen page, and the replacement provision would be similar.

    All this bill is is hoodwinking upon the American people designed to retain control of the individual through health care.

    Health Care is NOT a right. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness IS a right; and UNALIENABLE RIGHT – supposedly protected under the US Constitution.

    The bill will fail tomorrow. I’ll bet you 5 bucks.

  10. This bill is dead!
    No chance of passing. The individual mandate is the only part of the bill I like. Making people buy insurance not government insurance so the rest of us don’t have to pay for the slackers in life.
    The individual mandate used to be a conservative idea brought forth by the Heritage Foundation. Phase 2 and later phase 3. please its never going to happen.
    Why not repeal the McCarran Ferguson Act straight up and down vote first? This would allow competition amongst the states. Then we will find out which politicians are in the insurance company pockets.

  11. Just let Obamacare implode and move on to tax cuts. There will be plenty of time to fix the insurance snafu Obama and Pelosi created. Trump should be very wary. Ryan and the GOPe would love to hang some albatross around his neck that they could use to defeat him with in 2020. Trump should be trying to find a way to be rid of Ryan and McConnell. They are the anchor that’s holding back the conservatives. Term limits should be high on the Trump agenda.

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