Paul Hornung, “The Golden Boy” Is Running The Packer Sweep In Heaven – IOTW Report

Paul Hornung, “The Golden Boy” Is Running The Packer Sweep In Heaven

Paul Hornung, the dazzling “Golden Boy” of the Green Bay Packers whose singular ability to generate points as a runner, receiver, quarterback and kicker helped turn the team into an NFL dynasty, died Friday. He was 84.

Hornung’s family confirmed his death to the Louisville Sports Commission and to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. More

NFL Films biography on Hornung. Watch

16 Comments on Paul Hornung, “The Golden Boy” Is Running The Packer Sweep In Heaven

  1. I remember watching those sweep plays as a kid (was raised in Wisconsin) on the 3 TV channels we received back then. If I remember correctly they were nicknamed “Student Body Left / Right”.

  2. Paul Hornung was at the Pearly Gates when he was blocked by St Peter who said

    “Before I let you in, Hornung, you have to admit that Jim Brown was the true Heisman Trophy winner in 1956.”

  3. Upon reflection of my previous post I realize that I did not capture the true flavor of today’s MFL player, so allow me to correct that right now:
    In Paul Hornung’s day Pro Football was a game played by men, not a bunch of over-paid, uneducated, uninformed, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, no morals, crotch-grabbing, leg-lifting, dog-peeing, End-Zone-humping, Voo-Doo-Dancing, gang-sign flashing, Black Power fisting, Kool-Aid drinking, short attention span, hashtag opportunistic multi-millionairs, political activists and certified door-knobs who read racism into everything!

  4. Hornung got caught gambling and was suspended for a season. He never whined about it or tried to appeal it. He took it like a man and went on with his football career. Hardly anyone remember it now.

  5. Back in the day when the game was played in open stadiums, rain, sleet, snow and mud and not country club arenas with overpaid, mollycoddled princesses. I can still picture Lombardi on the sidelines while it was snowing with that signature look on his face.

  6. Hornung has already been to running back heaven. In the early Sixties when he set his scoring records, he ran behind a line that included three Hall of Famers — Jim Ringo, Jerry Kramer and Forrest Gregg (an all time great)

    He also had a tackle-sized tight end in Ron Kramer and a Hall of fame power runner in Jim Taylor as his blocking back. Holy Shit! That group was basically a Bermuda triangle for opposing defenses. They’d get off the ball and linebackers and safeties would never be seen or heard from again

    On the other hand, when he was called upon to block, he did his part. Not overpowering but great technique


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