UPDATE: PJW grooming himself for a political run? / Paul Joseph Watson- “Donald Trump Not Fit To Have Nuclear Codes” – IOTW Report

UPDATE: PJW grooming himself for a political run? / Paul Joseph Watson- “Donald Trump Not Fit To Have Nuclear Codes”

OHHHHHHH. You were only talking about the The Trump Syria Train.
Guys, it’s OK to have disagreement and dialogue. Don’t worry, I’m not going to start wearing a pussy hat and marching with Michael Moore. 😄
I will forgive you because you do good work, but don’t think you’re fooling me with your “I was talking about a very, very specific Trump rail line” ridiculousness.
You went off half-cockneyed.
I guess it’s safe to hit the Twitter follow button again.
 – Hard to argue with this.
 – It’s been fun lads, but the fun is over. I’ll be focusing my efforts on Le Pen, who tried to warn Trump against this disaster.
 – Rand 2020.
Just like that.

41 Comments on UPDATE: PJW grooming himself for a political run? / Paul Joseph Watson- “Donald Trump Not Fit To Have Nuclear Codes”

  1. Well into his cups.

    Although I have to admit my own apprehension about us getting involved in intramural muzzie conflicts for any reason. It never turns out well. Especially when cast as humanitarian purposes. Mogadishu, anyone?

  2. “deep state/Neo-Con puppet”

    Seems I’ve heard all these terms before. Back in the 60’s. Normally uttered by somebody wear a Tie Dyed shirt. Hey, that must be the connection, Tie Died shirts.

  3. OH NOES!!!! Trump did something I don’t agree with! Eff him, I.m never voting for him again…he’s a MADMAN! FREEMASON! ILLIMINATI!!!1`1!1!! It’s the END OF THE WORLD!

  4. I am one that does not like regime change in the Middle East unless we know who will fill the vacuum. (And that was clearly the weakness in Obama/Clinton’s “foreign policy” – the backfill was always much worse than the regime in place.)
    But President Trump did not wipe out the regime. He took out the launching pad for the chemical weapons.
    IMHO, I think Mr. Trump made a brilliant move – purposeful, aggressive, yet restrained relative to what could have been done.
    Wow. Smart power is back.
    As for Paul Joseph Watson – You cannot rant and rave about the Islamist evils for years, then cry foul at the first major reaction to one of those very evils. Chill out dude. Rand Paul is NOT the answer. He’s okay, but not to the level that I want him to replace Mr. Trump.

  5. This probably had some to do with Syria. But I believe Trump and his team thought it necessary to put the rest of the world on notice. We no longer lead from behind, the Pussy in the White House is gone, there’s a new sheriff in town and our friends better respect us and our enemies better fear us.
    This could not have been timed any better. When the Prime Minister of China leaves he will have NO doubts in his mind that The United States will take out North Korea. I’m sure Trump told him straight up that he better rein in the crazy fat kid or bad things will happen. I’m sure this was a wake up call to Putin as well. This needed to be done. The target was not that important, although I do believe pictures of dead babies bother Trump. But bottom line is we are THE Super Power again this morning. Yesterday morning not so much. It was a brilliant move and I would expect no more action in Syria, unless they do something stupid. Our actions yesterday might have prevented a large scale conflict in the long run.
    It’s elementary Watson.

  6. All the folks outraged by this strategic strike omit some very important facts:
    1) Trump must have had the support of the reasonable leaders in the MidEast who confirmed US intel about the chemical attack and that it came from this airport. Jordan’s King Hussein and Egypt’s El-SiSi were here in the past week. It’s reasonable to assume they were consulted as was Israel and Saudi Arabia. Trump will lean on them to help solve the mid East problem.
    2) Some in the intel community wear black political hats. Some wear white patriot hats. Corroborating info from our allies and advice on a limited attack helps expose members of each camp.
    3) North Korea, China, Syria and Russia only respect strength. They’ve been testing Trump and he just responded brilliantly. Not with pissy ant drones and not by invading Syria. He also did it while treating the Chinese leader to a lovely dinner. (Which would YOU like, Premier Xi? Death or cake?)

    I don’t know any more than Watson but my guess is, when the books are written, this will be a turning point in Trump’s MAGA.

    It sure killed the Trump/Russia narrative and there’s that little matter in Sweden that Trump was so wrong about, too. (Of course CNN will report that was a self driving truck)

  7. I pointed out in a column this morning that it appears these angry True Trump SupportersTM are most irate over the fact that President Trump made his decision based on military intel instead of their Twitter conspiracy theories.

    But how can he do as he promised on the campaign trail (ie set up Safe Zones) if Assad can just rain chemical weapons down from the sky? The purpose of the Safe Zones is to remove the need for refugees. And that is most definitely in the national security interests of the US. (and hello, PJW, it is also in Sweden, Germany, France and England’s best interests).


  8. Kind of reminds me of Reagan invading Grenada. Strategically of minor importance, but it put Cuba and especially Russia we wouldn’t be pushed around on his watch. Unlike W, who allowed China to hijack our P3 Orion and crew while he stood by and watched it happen.

  9. bad brad:
    “But bottom line is we are THE Super Power again this morning. Yesterday morning not so much. It was a brilliant move and I would expect no more action in Syria, unless they do something stupid. Our actions yesterday might have prevented a large scale conflict in the long run.
    It’s elementary Watson.”

    bombing an airport is a sign of being a super power?

    I hope your right that it was a brilliant move and prevented further atrocities, only time will tell.

  10. Make POTUS Trump angry or outraged and you wake up minus one airfield and a dozen aircraft.
    No warning. No leaflets. No stern letters. No little Valley Girl spokeschicks from Yale Law twirling their hair at a microphone, mincing legalese they can barely pronounce.

    Assad now knows that Putin can’t (and won’t) protect him.

    As for JPW, I enjoy him, but young and snarky has its limits. He’ll grow up, or he’ll become the warm up act for Amy Schumer.
    The Trump Train rolls on, with or without him.

    Gorsuch. Assad. I’m set for a great weekend. MAGA!

  11. bill, you are not getting my point at all. First of all what makes us a super power is superior weapon systems and better trained soldiers. And a lot of both. But no one fears the big kid on the block if he’s a giant pussy. Syria was an easy target with no resistance. North Korea would be tougher. But the Prime Minister of China is leaving negotiations with our President knowing he’s not a pussy. China has the capability of controlling North Korea. Hopefully they do it now.

  12. I got your point brad but I disagree with some of it.

    if the super power usa was serious about defending the innocent muslims from the oppressive dictators that rule them and protecting the usa “strategic interests” in the area then the usa should stop pulling it’s punches and get on with cleaning house in the middle east and get it over with.

    all these “half measures” are fruitless and a waste of money and our military lives.

    all i’m saying is let’s either shit or get off the pot.

    congress declares war and we bring the full military might against out “enemies” over there. finish it once and for all.

    now all you have to decide is who is our enemy over there.

  13. Brad has a good point. China made a non-committal, wishy-washy comment about the use of toxic gas after the attack. In contrast, Trump cried “Havoc” and loosed the cruise missile dogs while at the same time serving the Chinese Premier an apéritif during the cello concerto or whatever the hell he does when entertaining a foreign leader. It’s gotta give Xi Jinping heartburn and something to think about before f**king with the US Navy in the South China Seas. That’s another flash point waiting to explode in our faces, especially since the Philippines have a whack job running the country.

  14. bill,
    Pay attention to whom Trumps been meeting with for the last two weeks. It’s more efficient to identify your friends over there than your enemies. He’s been in office less than 100 days. Shit of get off the pot is not necessarily always a good way to manage the problem. There’s a lot of talk about setting up safe zones. That makes a lot of sense. Keep them there instead of bringing them here.

  15. @Bill,

    Were you a NT? Trump has already signed an executive order barring federal funds from Interantion Planned Parenthood and others that promote abortion around the world, You expect him to bomb abortion clinics and somehow defund terrorist organizations?

  16. sorry brad but just whose ass and for how long is it going to be guarding the “safe zones” over there that make so much sense?
    how about we unleash our freaking super power military and make the whole middle east a “safe zone”?
    how about we actually kill them over there and not worry about bringing them here.

    half measures like bombing airports are not what I call “thinking out of the box”.
    we have been doing this for the last 50 years and we still don’t have it right, so lets keep doing it?
    I give up, you win.
    rattle those sabers.

    brads right and I am wrong.

  17. “how about we unleash our freaking super power military and make the whole middle east a “safe zone”?”

    Because that would eventually lead to a war with Russia. Probably something we want to avoid. If we would have done what you suggest before Russia filled the void in Syria do to Fucking weak Barry, I would be totally in your camp. No ROI’s, kill the bad guys and leave.

  18. no aggie,

    I was saying I don’t think the pictures of the gassed kids was cause to bomb the airport.
    I was using planned parent hood and aborted babies to make my point about it.
    that’s all.

    no I am not a never trumper.
    I have great hopes for non professional politician trump.
    I was proud to vote for him.
    I wish we had more non professional politicians in office we might get some of this mess cleaned up.

    i’m sorry, if gassed babies makes it ok to bomb another country then aborted babied makes it ok to shut down planned parenthood.

    i’m sorry, but if assad gassing his own people (which hasn’t been proven) is reason to start bombing his country then by God we should have the balls to declare was on Syria and take the necessary actions to liberate his people from the scourge of assad and not just “bomb his airport”.

    and I am sorry,
    but if clinton and obama broke the law with respect to surveillance and confidential material then they need to be prosecuted and not have some middle east war started by the cia and the msm to cover up their treason so life can go on in washington dc for the elites.

    let me know when you get tired of being played for fools.

  19. but brad we just showed the world how we are leading from in front now instead of behind and how bad ass we are, didn’t we?
    why are we scared of Russia all of a sudden?
    and bombing the airport in Syria won’t upset russia?

    I don’t want to argue but lets be consistent here.

    besides you win, it was an excellent move on the usa’s part.
    I was stupid to even doubt it.

  20. Bill you’re trying to hard

    “I was saying I don’t think the pictures of the gassed kids was cause to bomb the airport.”
    That’s shallow and intelectually dishonest.

    “i’m sorry, if gassed babies makes it ok to bomb another country then aborted babied makes it ok to shut down planned parenthood.”
    Again? Abortion is legal. Remember?

    “i’m sorry, but if assad gassing his own people (which hasn’t been proven) is reason to start bombing his country then by God we should have the balls to declare was on Syria and take the necessary actions to liberate his people from the scourge of assad and not just “bomb his airport”.

    It’s been proven. Wrong, unless your a neocon and all in for benevolent hegemony. His strike was strategic warning shot to the world in response to illegal actions.

    “but if clinton and obama broke the law with respect to surveillance and confidential material then they need to be prosecuted and not have some middle east war started by the cia and the msm to cover up their treason so life can go on in washington dc for the elites.”

    You jumped the shark here. You should be sorry 😉

  21. “Abortion is legal. Remember?”

    yes I know it is, so in your mind that makes killing babies through abortion ok, but gassing babies is not, is that what you said? shouldn’t abortion be outlawed like gassing babies is? how am I wrong here?

    “That’s shallow and intellectually dishonest.”

    all I was saying was if we are going to retaliate for gassing babies how come we don’t shut down abortion clinics to save babies? if you can’t decipher that, I am sorry.

    and show me the proof assad gassed his people and it wasn’t the insurgents.

  22. Removing Assad has been a leftist dream, especially for Hillary as the Left wants war with Russia. Trump is being influenced by his very Liberal White House staff, including Ivanka and her husband. This could be a very serious problem for Trump when everyone finds out that the source of the Chemicals was possibly Turkey not Syria. PreviouslyTrump made it clear he was not interested in removing Assad but in fighting ISIS along with Russia. Why the change? I need to hear a lot more before I can support this move by Trump.

  23. “so in your mind that makes killing babies through abortion ok, but gassing babies is not, is that what you said?”
    Um, no. That’s ridicules to ever suggest.

    “shouldn’t abortion be outlawed like gassing babies is? how am I wrong here?”
    If you understood how the law works you wouldn’t have to ask why you are wrong.

    “all I was saying was if we are going to retaliate for gassing babies ”
    Still intelectually dishonest. Weak

    “how come we don’t shut down abortion clinics to save babies?”
    Again, what you don’t understand about the exectutive order he signed and the law holds the answer to that question.

    “if you can’t decipher that, I am sorry”
    It’s not code, It’s emotional gibberish.

    No. You show proof he didn’t. I’m not the one suddenly accusing Pres. Trump and his administration of being goons

  24. If you don’t always instantly agree with everything Trump says or does when He says or does it (even when He changes His mind), you are a cuck and a RINO. If you only agree with and support Him 95% of the time, you are THE ENEMY!!!!

    “We have always been at war with Syria.” –Winston Smith

  25. The chemical attack was a test for Trump planned by Assad and the Russians. They wanted to see if Trump would keep to his non-meddling philosophy on volatile Middle-East conflicts, mainly Syria. To their surprise, Trump did an about-face and reacted swiftly and fiercely. This brings them to realize their worst nightmare: Trump really is versatile, and dangerous. Now, they’ll have to contend with their mischievous endeavor and deal with the consequences they created. Assad aside for a moment, get this straight: Russia doesn’t want World War III. Russia and its puppet Putin just want to bully for world leadership, and more than anything else, are full of hot-air, seeking attention, like the psycho in NK, and will ultimately end up being taught a lasting lesson. That lesson? I don’t know what’s next, but Trump probably does, having strategic generals and others anticipate strike and counter-strike measures on the battle, wherever that may be. We’ll see. At least I hope I’m right and there’s no big, bright, really really hot fireball accompanied by a really really strong wind that obliterates me and my community in the very near future.

  26. This was an absolutely stupid move to make & while I had hoped Trump wouldn’t get co-opted by Big War, it would appear my hopes were unfounded. I cannot believe the number of people who think Assad decided to take a break in between nearing the end of a civil war, decided to gas a bunch of his own people, focusing the international eye of the storm upon him. I’m guessing it’s the same people who think he was behind the 2012 & 2013 gas attacks, despite Al Nusra rebels making video after video celebrating the attacks afterward. Holy cats, I thought he would break some campaign promises, but I wasn’t expecting him to destroy his entire America First message, & especially not in the first 75 days.

  27. Donald Trump’s air strike on Syria killed 9 innocent people. Maybe more. Less than half the Tomahawks hit the target. He used Tomahawks because he owns stock in Raytheon, the maker on the Tomahawk. When he used them on Syria, Raytheon’s stock rose. There’s a lot more to add, but it will take all day. I think you need to get better sources of your info because this article is very flawed.

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