Paul Joseph Watson Says His Days Are Numbered on YouTube and Facebook – IOTW Report

Paul Joseph Watson Says His Days Are Numbered on YouTube and Facebook


As the right gains political power, the left goes after the right’s platform for messaging.

14 Comments on Paul Joseph Watson Says His Days Are Numbered on YouTube and Facebook

  1. “This is a major issue and just saying “we need an alternative platform” is not a solution. The masses we need to reach are on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. All three are censoring us like crazy.

    A simple solution is to do as Steve Bannon has called for and start regulating these companies like public utilities so we can demand they respect free speech.”

    – From Chris Menahan, over at Info Wars on his thread of this same video

  2. Government control is a slippery slope and always ends up more problematic than the original problem.
    Youtube is also “cracking down” on Diamond and Silk.
    There will be a work around. Some tech savvy person will find it.

  3. Sorry, Beachmom, but the rigid libertarian fantasy world is a practical as the anarchist ideology.

    Reality is often FORCE. Do I “like” it?
    A) No.
    B) Doesn’t matter. It IS that way.
    The key is: USE it when necessary to your favor.

  4. p.s. THAT “ship” (the “slippery slope of government control”) sailed LONG ago…
    …around the time of, “bake that lesbian cake for me, you Catholic B!TCH!!!”

  5. I have been saying this for a long time, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc are the Left’s playground. They only “allow” us to be there, as long as we play by their rules.
    Twitter has been forcing their rules on us. They select the “most important Tweets” for you to see, even if you opt out of it in the settings, they still showing “what you missed”. Their “trending” is always something against Trump or conservatives.

    Google puts on the first results mostly bad things about conservatives and excuses for the Democrats, especially the Obamas.

    I lost contact with my family because I left Facebook, but I don’t care, if they really want to talk to me, they have my email.

  6. All youtubers are getting hit. I watch quite a few shop centric channels, motovloggers and other regular productions. Most have nothing to do with politics, never mention current affairs or anything SJW.

    Every one of them over the past few months has had something to say about youtube demonitizing their videos. Every one has said something about this being the end. Most have found their way around the youtube algos and have resorted to patreon, selling merchandise, etc. to keep their channels running.

    Youtube caved to advertiser pressure, lost a bunch of money and has pissed just about everyone off. What else did they expect from millions of “creators?” A bunch of G rated content?

  7. First of all, youtube and facebook aren’t public utilities.
    They aren’t necessary for living like electricity. They are forums like iotw for points of view, etc.
    I’m not a “rigid libertarian”.
    I don’t like the government interfering in things it doesn’t need to. News organizations mostly lean left. If youtube and facebook are to be regulated like utilities, then shouldn’t networks and newspapers and magazines have their content regulated for fairness concerning free speech?
    Obama tried to control media content when he tried shutting down Fox and talk radio with his net neutrality scam.
    Public pressure has kept the wanna be propagandist libidiots at bay to a point.
    Everyone told Rush he would be a miserable failure because they didn’t want a conservative on the radio. Now conservative talk radio rules the airwaves.
    It can be done.
    Conservatives can be innovative.

  8. beachmom, I didn’t say you were a “rigid libertarian;” I said that what you wrote is the absolutist libertarian “the less government interference, the better…no exceptions!” (which may often be true, but it’s those pesky exceptions which will get one killed).

    While Infogalactic is trying to be competition to Wikipedia (a small influence), and Gab is slowly starting up on twitter, to repeat: “The masses we need to reach are on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.”

    Conservatives can be innovative. Agreed. However, more recently, conservatives are more obstacles (SEE: McConnell, Ryan, et al). AND: if today’s “conservatives” aren’t going to help, I for one have no problem using force to right a wrong, and let the hand-wringing “conservatives” debate it at their conferences ad infinitum, until the Left rounds them up (with no tear in my eye).

  9. Beachmom I disagree youtube and facebook are forums like iotw. Youtube and facebook aren’t creating content, they are simply a platform. I see them as no different than someone using phone lines to talk on the phone or using an internet connecting to send an email.

  10. These firms are effectively monopolies and while they could go out of business overnight if a new, more innovative product comes to market it’s unlikely to happen. Facebook, Alphabet (Google and Youtube among others) have their ears out in the community and when they hear about a group of programmers with a great idea, one that would replace Facebook they hop in their buggies and race out to meet them. A lot of ego stroking, examples of the high life and promises they’ll never keep and Facebook reps will buy the new idea, have the new guys sign non-disclosure and non-compete’s (assuming they don’t also hire them but they’ll end up signing them anyway) and promptly bury it so there is no chance of it ever competing. While the mechanocs of Facebook make it easier to communicate I have to believe there have been a number of better apps buried in an App graveyard that will never see the light of day.

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