Paul Ryan defends 8 work days in April, on Tucker Carlson’s Show – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan defends 8 work days in April, on Tucker Carlson’s Show

Blames Senate for ‘do-nothing’ Congress.

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan wants Americans to know federal lawmakers are working really hard, despite the fact that Congress is only in session for eight days in April.

“We’re 47 days into the Trump administration and really nothing has gone through the Congress. Really at this point during the Obama administration eight years ago they passed all kinds of stuff,” Fox News’ Tucker Carlson told Ryan on Wednesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight.


SNIP: Sometimes I just turn off the sound and watch Tucker’s face. 😂

21 Comments on Paul Ryan defends 8 work days in April, on Tucker Carlson’s Show

  1. Throughout the campaigns by republicans the mantra was REPEAL Obamacare.
    After the election the mantra Changed to Repeal AND REPLACE.

    The Ryan RINOs and McConnell’s CONS are using bait and switch tactics, while obstructing Trump’s transition by working only 8 days.

    The House and Senate NEEDS NEW Leadership to move TRUMP’s Agenda for our Nation.

  2. Are you kidding me? Eight days of what Ryan calls work. They sit around on their asses, eat high on the hog and accomplish nothing. Ryan and frog face McConnell need to be gone. They may as still be working for Obama. 😡 We the People have a mandate and these assholes are once again waving their middle finger at us and what we want. I hope President Trump crushes all of these traitors.

  3. Eight days! Wow, they really are going to work eight days in April! That’s four more than they usually do every month. Let’s celebrate April as the month the Senators really did work up a sweat for and on behalf of the people! Of course, the downside will be when they spend twice as much of your money!

  4. Hey, if the same holds true for the Senate, President Trump should use their recess time to install the remainder of his cabinet and other nominees. Recess appointments are legit per the Constitution. And heaven knows, Mitch McConnell is dragging his sorry feet. So appoint them while they’re on recess.

  5. Uhhh … actually … I don’t want them meeting.
    Every time they get together they fuck something up.
    Every … EVERY problem confronting America has its foundation in politics.
    EVERY problem we have has been manufactured by Congress, the Executive, or the Supremes – or a combination.

    They cannot even repeal Public Law 111-148 without putting their greedy, greasy hands all over it. “Public Law 111-148 is hereby repealed, in its entirety. Effective immediately.” That is ALL that’s required. If the maggots want to add to it, they can do so later, without hiding behind the pledge to repeal.

    The fact that they won’t is proof that they’re finagling a fucking for the American people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I can’t believe that everyone here is still trying to hold the Elites to the same standards as the Little People. Perjure yourself, compromise classified information, steal public money – you’re going to jail. These folks are going to Washington cocktail parties. And giving speeches and signing book deals.

    Maybe Hillary could explain it to you.

    For a fee, of course.

  7. Unfortunately, Trump campaigned on “Repeal and Replace”. The Congress Critters are doing it backwards.
    Too bad, cause if it were simply repealed, after a few months of everyone getting used to that, there would be no replacement. And, with that experience behind them, maybe Congress could start repealing more stuff we don’t need.

  8. For EIGHT (8) YEARS obola railroaded freightloads of Executive Orders while these traitors masturbated their days away.

    Let’s just allow Trump to MAGA for the next 8 years without any interference from these criminal oath-breakers.
    In fact, since they have not passed a Federal Budget in years, I hope Trump cuts their allowance. Without money to steal, they might get bored and go away. They’re worse than useless.

  9. When Ryan sits there with his shit eating grin and his “Great questions” retort, he reminds me of a very shady used car salesman.

    Mr Ryan, you said in your ad this car would get 50 mpg, but after the test drive its only getting 17. Why is there such a big discrepancy in what you promised vs reality?

    Ryan (with smile) – Great question, great question! The problem is that we’ve been working very hard on getting that 50 mpg feature, but the engineers in the other building are taking their time getting to it. But we’ve been working hard, just to let you know we upgraded that cup holder to hold a 16 oz drink now where Obama only had the 14oz cup holder. So I’m very proud of the progress we’ve made so far.

  10. BUT….through this bit of trickery we can all feel better as the 82 year old Orrin Hatch has reassured us he’ll be running again for another term.

    I shit you not.

  11. Why is it that when Democrats have both Houses and the White House they have no problem writing laws and voting on them and passing them???
    They act with power. Republican’s can’t pass 1 conservative law? like cutting corp tax rate to 15%.
    Seems to me Republicans believe in Big Gov just as much as Dems.
    Trump signs this Ryan Bill he’s toast! Phase 2 and 3 my ASS!

  12. ryan is the consummate beltway insider Capitol Hill process weasel. the guy burrowed into the congress after graduating law school and never has left. His idea of ‘progress’ is a 700-page piece of doublespeak congressional legislation that no one can understand and that overpaid staff worked until 3 am to produce. Poster Child for term limits.

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