Paul Ryan Hopes Wimpy Tears Get Him On The New York Times Best Seller List – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Hopes Wimpy Tears Get Him On The New York Times Best Seller List

Daily Caller-

Move over Adam Kinzinger, another poor RINO dab has tears to shed and attention to grab.

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and his wimpy tears are the topic of a new book, and he’s going to ride them all the way to the top of the New York Times Bestseller list with author Mark Leibovich. While we know he’ll win the hearts and minds of the NY Times editorial board, this feels like the final nail in Ryan’s Republican political coffin.

Ryan is widely known for losing his spine sometime around the mid 2010s and for having the washboard abs of a god. Now, he’ll be remembered as the man who “found himself sobbing” during the events of January 6, 2021, according to content released by CNN. I guess those abs were aesthetic only and not capable of providing physical defense against bad guys. more

12 Comments on Paul Ryan Hopes Wimpy Tears Get Him On The New York Times Best Seller List

  1. No Turncoat. Paul was a Ronny hating lefty from the get go! Ignore the lies of Bush Republicans. Heed their lefty deeds!

    Paul’s Ronny hating coat was there if you ignored his lies and saw what he did!
    Leftist GOPe “talk is cheap”!

  2. Someone tagged this hilarious Geraldo tweet on Twitter: Happy Monday, just reading Paul Ryan’s reaction to 1/6. Made me think what a great winning 2024 ticket Romney/Ryan would be to help restore sanity and balance to the world.

    I assume this is the democrat 2024 ticket?!


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