Paul Ryan leads a troupe of fellow morons declaring presidential election was righteous – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan leads a troupe of fellow morons declaring presidential election was righteous

Are they really this stupid, or do they just hate Trump and America?


25 Comments on Paul Ryan leads a troupe of fellow morons declaring presidential election was righteous

  1. There will come a time when the filthy little rodent’s double dealing during Trump’s first two years is exposed. He is the embodiment of everything that is most wrong with the Republican Party.

  2. I’m not sure who posted what, but from a life long weight lifter, Id like to meet his ass in the gym some day. Remember that campaign photo of him sitting on the bench with the 5 pound dumbbell. It was at that moment———

  3. The liberal Paul has been a Ronny hater from the get go. The Board of the Reagan Foundation is now , except for Pete, all liberals. They do not really try to hide their hate of Ronny. 2 of them, not nearly as far left as Paul, are life long Dem who beause they were more honest than Paul, openly rebuked Ronny decades ago. 1 of the far left haters is Paul!

  4. Has Ryan EVER stuck his skinny little neck out in support of a candidacy of a fellow GOP member? Has Ryan EVER stood up in support of the conservative side on ANY important issue?

    As far as anyone can see, Ryan only pokes his jug-eared head out when he can SABOTAGE the conservatives in this country or to reach for the really expensive bottle of wine at the table with lobbyists.

    The archetype of a creature of The Swamp. Whack-a-mole his head, Mr President!

  5. They hate Trump and America.
    Not stupid at all – conniving despisers and despoilers of everything that’s good and decent. They view America as a vast source of plunder and they see Trump as an impediment to that plunder.
    Ryan’s a coward and a lickspittle – the human (?) equivalent of a cockroach – scurries when the light’s turned on – more comfortable stealing and despoiling under the cover of darkness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Paul Ryan =💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  7. Ryan is likely after the GOP President nod for 2024.
    No doubt about it Ryan is as Politically slick and corrupt as Hillary.

    I lost all respect for him when he ran with alongside that traitor Mitt Romney, as his VP candidate. Trump a Non-Political type winning what they couldn’t. Has had them ticked off and mimicking Romney hard loser feelings of Trump ever since.

    BTW: He is from Wisconsin… what are his odds of holding another house/senate seat given the Voter demographics and his weasel type politics. Of course Ryan could pull a Romney, leave a Liberal state, establish residency in a more moderate state and try his luck there.

  8. No surprises here. Ryan, like Romney, Graham, McConnell and too many others, embody what political parties are. We were warned as far back as Washington that political parties were the nemesis of American life. We must get rid of the private corporations calling themselves the Democrats and the Republicans. So few people think the party apparatus (apparati?) are public bodies, open to public input. They’re NOT. They are wholly private, make up all the rules and force their own candidates on us. Political parties are one of the most broken parts of the system.

    Notice POTUS Trump has NEVER referred to patriots as a “party”. He always calls us a “movement.”


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