Paul Ryan Says He’ll Be Happy To Be Speaker – But He Has Demands – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Says He’ll Be Happy To Be Speaker – But He Has Demands

Foremost? He says he won’t work weekends.

Anyone want to be his grape peeler?

CNN- Rep. Paul Ryan told House Republicans on Tuesday he is willing to serve as speaker and will make a decision within the week — but only if his conditions are met.

Ryan laid out his guidelines in a closed-door session with the full House GOP conference after weeks of lobbying from senior members of his party for him to take on the difficult task of leading the divided conference — a job Ryan repeatedly said he has never wanted.

“I came to the conclusion that this is a very dire moment — not just for Congress, not just for the Republican Party, but for our country. And I think our country is in desperate need of leadership,” Ryan told reporters after addressing his colleagues.

The conditions

Ryan will run only if he’s supported by three groups inside the House Republican conference: the House Freedom Caucus, the Republican Study Committee and the moderate Tuesday Group, his spokesman, Brendan Buck, said.

Ryan also had a few more demands: He wants changes to House rules made as a team — a major demand of the House Freedom Caucus; he wants to make it harder to overthrow a sitting speaker; and he wants a better work-life balance than out-going House Speaker John Boehner had.

He also emphasized the importance of unified support for the next speaker.

Ryan told his colleagues he is willing to take “arrows in the chest but not in the back,” a GOP source inside the meeting told CNN.

Should the conference agree to his stipulations, “I am happy and willing to get to work.”


20 Comments on Paul Ryan Says He’ll Be Happy To Be Speaker – But He Has Demands

  1. And to think that I really believed he was one of the good guys. That was a few years ago. What the heck happens to these guys after a few years, I believe they are constantly put in tempting situations, then one moment of weakness and the dark side has them right in the palm of their hand. If there is a better explanation I am listening.

  2. WTF are we doing begging someone for the job????

    This is lunacy. Ryan is an ultra leftist wrt immigration and has shown NO inclination to stand up to the socialists.

    Go back to Wisconsin and hug your kids, just don’t become Speaker.

  3. “…And I think our country is in desperate need of leadership,” Ryan told reporters after addressing his colleagues.

    True statement, only not more of the same kind of “leadership” we’re currently trying to ditch. Our country is in desperate need of Ryan stepping aside.

  4. I share an email written to my congressman. Write, call, email or whatever, your rep’.

    What the heck is going on there? Are the idiots of the Republican Party such wussies that they have to pledge aligiance to the click’s choice, before he’ll STAND UP AND ACT LIKE A LEADER?

    What a crying shame the hijinx of the GOP in the House will spell the demise of the Republican Party. Who wants a group in charge that has to stack the books, make shyster PERSONAL deals, and completely fails to SEE how KEYSTONE COP like they are behaving?

    The liberals win because the supposed conservatives are DIVIDED. The barbarians have breached the gates of America and the free world, and the republicans of the House wrangle, while Pelosi and Reid stomp all over the place.

    Think about it: HARRY REID ENDORSED PAUL RYAN. That, alone, should tell you not to vote for him as Speaker. BUT ADD TO THAT, Ryan wanting a pledge of aligiance before he’ll run for speaker?!!! He’ll take his toys and go home if he doesn’t get it.


    WE need strong leaders. The country is hungry for it. PAY ATTENTION, CONGRESS: Donald Trump is GAINING popularity because THe PEOPLE who elected you are tired of broken promises, complicit actions or inactions, and having our American way of life hosed down the drain!!

    DO SOMETHING BESIDES PAUL, the turncoat conservative, RYAN!!

  5. well said thanks.

    I for one can’t understand why the current group of the establishment republicans just does not get it. Americans spoke in the 2014 election that they wanted change from barry and his ilk, you went back to DC and did not change. Now you are scratching your heads why voters are looking at people outside the beltway for the next attempt at change. Show the results that were screamed for loud and clear.

  6. Ryan was Romney’s running mate Romney was better than Obama but not a conservatives conservative. Now is the time for someone as speaker of the house we can count on in crunch time
    Paul Ryan will not do..

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