Paul Ryan says many Middle East leaders complained about President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan says many Middle East leaders complained about President Barack Obama’s foreign policy.

ArutzSheva; Speaker of the US House of Representatives Paul Ryan (Rep.-Wisconsin) said Thursday that, during his recent trip to the Middle East, he heard many complaints about President Barack Obama’s leadership, Politico reports.

paul ryan aipac

Days after ruling himself out of White House contention, Ryan discussed his recent tour of the Middle East, which included a stop in Israel, and echoed complaints from foreign leaders about Obama’s foreign policy, as well as about Donald Trump’s rhetoric.

Speaking to a group of foreign policy reporters in his Capitol office about his trip, Ryan said, “I felt like our allies needed reassurance that we… value these friendships and partnerships.”


13 Comments on Paul Ryan says many Middle East leaders complained about President Barack Obama’s foreign policy.

  1. Facts, or it didn’t happen.
    Not that I don’t believe that it DIDN’T happen, but I trust politicians these days about as far as I can throw them over my right shoulder with my left hand.

  2. notice how trump and obama are lumped together

    of course they (all) have disagreements with obama’s policies, a complete disaster and failure

    and of course they (islamic countries) disagree with trump

    no mention of israel disagreement with trump, whose treatement of israel would be a well deserved improvement over obama’s throwing them under the bus

    ryan is a weasel-worded ass

  3. obama has had horrendous failed policies nationally and internationally. ryan would know that if he had been listening to the American people for the past 7 1/2 years.

    So if he hears the same from middle east countries, it must be true?

    boehner light, ignoring the will of the people and the constitution.

  4. Mr. Paul Ryan now has foreign policy cred! He just spent a whole week (at taxpayer expense) on an ego building trip overseas and now he is a self proclaimed expert. Watch him trot out his bona fides when he vies for the presidential nomination at the convention!

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