Paul Ryan super PAC calls California Democratic candidate, Gil Cisneros a sexual harasser – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan super PAC calls California Democratic candidate, Gil Cisneros a sexual harasser

WaExaminer: The super PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was scheduled Wednesday to hit Los Angeles television with an advertisement that accuses Democrat Gil Cisneros of being a sexual harasser who invested money in Iran.

The hard-hitting ad from Congressional Leadership Fund, directed at Orange County voters in California’s 39th Congressional District, aims to protect an open, Republican-held seat that could fall to the Democrats in the midterm elections. President Trump lost the historically Republican, suburban seat to Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Cisneros is a Navy veteran and philanthropist backed by money he won in the lottery. The Republicans are running Young Kim, a former state assemblyman. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif., is retiring.

Here’s the script of CLF’s 30-second spot, which will also run on digital platforms.

3 Comments on Paul Ryan super PAC calls California Democratic candidate, Gil Cisneros a sexual harasser

  1. If that traditionally Republican district went to Hitlery, what’s that tell you about the constituents. Royce, a Repub. member of the Demorat Party. Garners a F on Conservative Review. Piss on that district.

  2. “Cisneros is a Navy veteran and philanthropist backed by money he won in the lottery…”

    Just who we need in Congress voting on the budget: A Lotto junkie. Dumbass “philanthropist” is going to be bled dry by consultants.


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