Paul Ryan: We Can’t Trust Obama on Immigration – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan: We Can’t Trust Obama on Immigration

That’s funny. I say the same thing about Paul Ryan.

paul ryan point

( – Newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” today that President Barack Obama cannot be trusted on the immigration issue.

Ryan made the assertion after host Chuck Todd noted that Ryan has said that he favors a “path to citizenship” for illegal aliens in the United States.

“You told me you were in favor of an eventual path to citizenship,” Todd said, according to NBC’s transcript of the program.   more

11 Comments on Paul Ryan: We Can’t Trust Obama on Immigration

  1. “He tried to unilaterally rewrite the law himself,” Tried, you blithering idiot, he did rewrite the law himself and you and your ilk let him do it! And, by the way, the Executive Orders Hussein put into place are still in existence and still in force. He, in cahoots with congress, have allowed over 40 million + criminal invaders to come and stay here risk-free, cavort in our sunshine and greedily eat our tax dollars by the hundreds of billions!

  2. Gonna deport the rat-people, Paul?
    Gonna build a wall, Paul?
    Gonna stop the raghead invasion, Paul?
    Gonna repeal the 16th, Paul?
    Gonna cut back on free shit for ferals, Paul?
    Free shit for ANYBODY, Paul?
    Gonna stop the corruption, Paul?
    Gonna stop the EPA, Paul?

    Yeah, that’s what I thought – sit down and shut the fuck up.

  3. Rush went on and on Monday about how the Demons run everthing in DC. Media, the culture, obviously the Commie in Chief, etc.Even the “Republican led” congress. The repukes just think they run it.
    Reminds me of a few of the girls I dated and they told me that they just let the man think he’s running the show.

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