Paul Sperry has the skinny on new Special Counsel Jack Smith – IOTW Report

Paul Sperry has the skinny on new Special Counsel Jack Smith

The details are at the link.

9 Comments on Paul Sperry has the skinny on new Special Counsel Jack Smith

  1. The Conservative TreeHouse has the skinny and gives the real reasons…

    “Everything a republican congress now begins to question falls under the protective blanket of an “ongoing investigation,” exactly as we predicted. Plus, you get the additional Lawfare elements of congressional leadership under investigation which provides an entirely new ‘conflict of interest dynamic’ to the political equation.”

  2. That’s a heckuva reader speed bump there, Mr. Sperry. The Clinton National Security Advisor who was caught stuffing National Archives docs in his socks was Samuel R. Berger. His nickname was Sandy, not Sammy.

  3. Special Counsel POS

    Must be a career criminal
    otherwise he would not be appointed

    Most especially by career leftist PIG

    Merrick Garland

    If what I just said, POINT IT OUT !

    Otherwise accept it!


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