A Big, Juicy Steak, Anyone? – IOTW Report

A Big, Juicy Steak, Anyone?

Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research.

Big Think – Studies have been linking red meat consumption to health problems like heart disease, stroke, and cancer for years. But nestled in the recesses of those published papers are notable limitations.

Nearly all the research is observational, unable to tease out causation convincingly. Most are plagued by confounding variables. For example, perhaps meat eaters simply eat fewer vegetables, or tend to smoke more, or exercise less? Moreover, many are based on self-reported consumption. The simple fact is that people can’t remember what they eat with any accuracy. And lastly, the reported effect sizes in these scientific papers are often small. Is a supposed 15% greater risk of cancer really worth worrying about?

Study slams lazy research

In a new, unprecedented effort, scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) scrutinized decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, formulating a new rating system to communicate health risks in the process. Their findings mostly dispel any concerns about eating red meat.

Finish reading HERE.

39 Comments on A Big, Juicy Steak, Anyone?

  1. I had steak last night for dinner, steak and egg omelet for breakfast (using the leftovers from last night) and a burger for lunch when I visited my son.
    Whenever I die I will be happy.

  2. A grilled medium rare ribeye with a dollop of bleu cheese butter, Twice baked potato and roasted bacon green beans is the least of my problems…affording it on a regular basis has become the main issue….FJB….

  3. Cool, another dinger I can throw at my doctor this Wednesday. He’s a Seventh-day Adventist who frowns on eating meat. I use to chide him and say “vegetarians die too!” Ellen G. White, founder and prophetess of the 7th-day Adventists, in her health messages in the late 1800’s, she stated in her writings that men who ate red meat were brutes and given over to their animal passions. Yes, I teased him about that too. (Ex next door neighbors were SDA, I learned a lot of goofiness.)


    I go in with toe infection.
    2 scripts and a cream and it is clearing up quite well.
    It didn’t vanish completely even though I told him, “Go Hard at it because I’m always in heavy Boots & walking. \
    The shit Comes back!
    Now he says it’s Gout. (He says toe is not Warm / Hot)
    Tried to tell him I was outside on roof all morning. (Ignored me)
    Different script, NO BOZE at all, heavy water drinking & No red meat. “Don’t fill the script UNLESS YOU REALLY NEED IT.”
    Fine, I didn’t – still in pocket.
    Today, nice & red, swollen & hot/ warm. (indicates infection as per his previous & common sense for a hundred years)

    Of course: He Blamed RED MEAT.

    This asshole told me I had severe Diabetes in March 2022 & cleared his schedule only to have his secretary Tell him You read Rick the wrong chart Dr. (let’s call him Goat Fuck for now). He was insisting that I went from all clear to TOO FAR GONE in 5 months FFS.

    Tomorrow, I’m calling my RETIRED Dr. & Friend, who sold the practice to Dr. Goat Fuck, and asking him for the right diagnosis just like 3 previous fuck ups.

    Anyone want “Free” Canadian Health care yet???

  5. I remember a while back an article here asking the question would you still eat meat even knowing for certain it would shorten your lifespan by X number of years. Of course everyone said yes. It’s only the last years anyway. Besides who wants to be a frail vegan with sunken eye sockets?

  6. Practicing medicine. Yep, practicing. And not actually accomplishing much. So much of 50-60-70s medical “wisdom” is just confirmation bias for someone pushing an agenda.

  7. Wild Bill is right about high fructose corn syrup.
    I cut that shit 2 years ago and my A1C dropped from 11.7 to 5.9
    My blood glucose went from a sustained 300 or more, to normal… & I lost 50lbs.
    My main source was cola, but when I started looking, turns out they put that shit in almost everything…even ketchup.
    I feel way better than I have in years. I eat what I want, I just make sure it doesn’t have hfcs in it.

  8. (From Oliver Twist)

    Mrs. Sowerberry : Is the boy mad?

    Mr. Bumble : Tis not madness, Ma’am, it’s meat.

    Mrs. Sowerberry : Meat?

    Mr. Bumble : Meat, ma’am, meat! If you kept the boy on gruel this would have never have happened.

    Mrs. Sowerberry : Oh my, this is what comes of being liberal.

    (Noting that the word “liberal” here had a non-political meaning in 1838.)

  9. I’ve become my father! Last time I went to a restaurant the right side of the menu made me choke. I regret spending my First Communion money.

    Neighbors gave us a gift card for some of my work keeping up their summer places’s grounds. This thread has not convinced me to finally go to the steak house and use the card that’s been pasted to the fridge for almost two years now. Should cover the majority of the meal even now if I ignore the right side of the menu. DOUBLE CUT PRIME RIB! Yeah, that’s the ticket! Haven’t been able to justify it until YOU PEOPLE made me remember what the hunk of meat with horseradish and green onions on the side will do for me.

    Better than sex cause a good meal lasts far longer, but that’s only a memory now too. I’m old…

    Price be damned and I’m betting momma won’t object and we’ll call it her reward for the work she’ll do on next Thursday’s meal.

  10. @Kcir: I feel for you, been down that road 2 times. It was from eating carnitas (pork), fatty, and that’s what triggered it. Also seafood triggers some. Purchase some Black Cherry Juice and start drinking 8 ounces a day. Too many carbs for me, so I take 3 Tart Cherry pills a day. I haven’t had gout since. Also Aleve will help with the pain and swelling. Good luck!

  11. Couple thoughts on Red Meat.

    We are carnivores. Our eyes point directly forward.
    If red meat’s poisonous the federal government did it.
    I consider myself a master at cooking red meat over an open flame. And why not, I do it almost every night.
    There’s a butcher shop up the hill that buys cows from local ranchers, butchers them and sell them to the general pub, with no USDAA suggested shots/treatment. Not going to say it taste different, but it does cook different. Much easier to get a very tender end result.
    Who knows what the hell they’re pumping into our meat.

  12. I’ve been on a carnivore diet since last Sunday.

    I’m staying on it until my weight is down t0 where I need it. Down 7 pounds already, but the first 10 has always been the easiest for me. I don’t expect to keep that rate.

    Veges are carbs. You could say I’m on a no-carb diet. Yes, I take supplements and I’m feeling better and losing weight.

    Also, doing one meal a day. Not as hard as I thought it would be. I’m sure the hunger after an hour of eating Chinese is due to the high carb content and what it does to your blood sugar.

  13. Trust the experts they said.
    Two weeks to flatten the curvethey said.
    They almost shut us down for a few months at that time. Cooler heads won out.
    My lesson in that was NEVER trust the experts, full stop.

  14. I had Grandparents & great grandparents that ate hamburger, steak, butter on everything, eggs cooked in bacon grease. They all lived into their 90’s.
    I also remember when there was no differentiation between “good” & “bad” cholesterol.
    Fuck the medical profession – after all this covid nonsense, they have a long way to go to get any trust from me again.
    I don’t play Prevention Magazine cure of the month, either.

  15. Dadof4, one way to make your 1 meal a day easier is to have a bulletproof coffee in the morning. Plenty of healthy fats (unsalted grass fed butter, ghee, MCT oil) and you will not be hungry for a few hours. I usually just have it on the weekends. You have to put it in a blender to whip it up and it’s too much trouble to clean up before I go to work. I usually just have minutes to get ready.

  16. I had gout in the middle of summer. Wow. Luckily I only had it in one ankle at a time at the peak of the pain. Gout is like a bad tooth. You can’t think, you can’t sleep, except you can’t walk, either.

    Jennifer told me to put lemon juice in my water. And take pretty massive doses of vit c. I don’t know what worked or what was just bullshit… I was only too happy to be able to walk again. And not awaken every morning at 2AM with acid and broken glass in my ankles.

  17. I eat animal protein, mostly grass finished beef also our chickens and what I shoot. And salt and water. And garlic, god I love that shit. Pomegranates are just in season now too so there’ll be that too.

    Healthy as hell(ask my gal)

  18. Erik

    Check out Dr Mercola for fat encapsulated Vit C if you want to take high dosages of it. Off the shelf Vit C will give you the runs after a few grams at once. It’s called Liposomal Vit C. It won’t irritate your bowels. You can saturate your body with Vit C without any negative repercussions.

    I’ve been taking 15-20 grams a day this past week and many problems have subsided for me that cropped up for me since August. Mainly, the impressive thing is that my sciatic nerve problem is greatly minimized, to the point I can barely feel I even had it. It’s not keeping me up at night or hurting while I drive or sit. I drive a lot. I’m very thankful Liposomal Vit C exists and is easily available.

    I’m taking 5 grams at a time, up to 4 times a day. You can’t overdose Vit C.

    It solves many other problems too, but you do have to take a lot to get the desired effect. Most people think 1 or 2 grams is a lot. That won’t heal things. That’s maintenance.

  19. Anonymous NOVEMBER 21, 2022 AT 1:09 AM

    Next, they’ll find out that smoking cures cancer.


    It does.

    Read it on a gravestone. That guy doesn’t have a problem with cancer any more.


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