Paxlovid Escape Mutations? – IOTW Report

Paxlovid Escape Mutations?

Robert W Malone MD, MS

President Biden continues to harbor the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) in his body. He first contracted COVID-19 on July 21, two and a half weeks before the present. Is this because of immunosuppression – due to his heavily boosted status, or for some other reason? That being said, the single antiviral drug regime of Paxlovid may also be causing the virus to stay in his body for a long time, an effect otherwise referred to as “the rebound” effect:

“The hypothesis is that the immune system didn’t have a chance to see the full extent of the virus, since Paxlovid suppressed replication early in disease,” Dr. Roberts says. Scientists are studying the effects of longer treatment durations, longer periods of isolation, and other ways of managing the problem, he adds. (Scott Roberts, MD, a Yale Medicine infectious diseases specialist.)

I believe that the word “rebound” is a misnomer in this context. The virus has never left President Biden’s body. It is still circulating, it was just at a fairly undetectable level for a while. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, I know! Viruses resistant to Paxlovid are spawned, the virus population explodes and then the “rebound” effect is observed -only this time with Paxlovid resistant strains.

Paxlovid manufacturer Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration have both acknowledged reports of rebound COVID-19 cases associated with the drug.

This is truly the worst case scenario for a single mechanism of action drug used as a therapy against COVID-19, as described in more detail below. MORE

21 Comments on Paxlovid Escape Mutations?

  1. “The virus has never left President Biden’s body.”

    …everything else you say is logical and truthful, so it shouldn’t be tainted with an obvious lie, to wit, “President Biden”.

    Pedo Joe was not, is not, and will never legitimately be president of anything.

    Just referring to him as “Biden” would suffice.

    Carry on.

  2. If joey makes it thru another 6 months to a year I will be surprised. He is 79 after all, a senile dementia ridden old fart and is probably on his last legs. God, please don’t allow him to become a martyr to the democraps cause after he croaks.

  3. The beauty of the democrat strategy is it keeps Biden out of sight during the midterm campaign, where dem candidates don’t want their lofo voters reminded of the failure of their policies.

  4. At this point everyone telling me they have Covid, often vaccinated multiple times, say it is no big deal and they aren’t taking anything to treat it so why keep testing and take pharma drugs.

  5. This is all just staging for the second act, where the usurper king is removed from the drama by his own conspiracy as those who propped him up decide he no longer suits their needs. The only reason he’s still allowed to live and pretend is that there in infighting behind his senile back about who to replace him with and how to do it that maximizes their advancement of tyranny best.

    Once they resolve those issues, EXEUNT Pedo Joe.

    And no matter what, there will a worse come in his place.

    The second act is where the tragedy REALLY gets up a good head of steam. We have to be able to live through THAT to get to resolution in the third.

    …it took the death of Hamlet to remove the usurper king who conspired with his wife to kill his own brother for power. Despite the fact that as Prince he was the TRUE king, only by laying down his life could he remove the false one and the traitorous woman who conspired with the treasonous usurper.

    Who will be OUR Hamlet?

    …may he arise soon, whoever he may be.

  6. They will make a martyr out of the Pedo. No matter which way it goes there will be a month long state funeral for Saint Joeseph the Child Molester.

    I think it will be October when they literally pull the trigger on the old sack of shit.

    That way they can milk gun control and turn the nasty old bastard into a heroic messiah just before election day.

    On the other hand depending on which red MAGA hat false flag scenario is used they can declare martial law on the Orange man supporters.

    I put nothing past these evil Luciferians, they are capable of anything.

    The dayius drawing neigh, his 11″s are up. Learn something new every day…

  7. If he lives, then the Dems don’t want to be seen with him.
    If he dies before November, then the shameless, hypocritical Dems will go after the sympathy vote.

  8. “I believe that the word “rebound” is a misnomer in this context…”

    Correct. it is just the new “breakthrough infection” obfuscation jargon. These clowns are so full of shit.

  9. CDC has now gone back into the 14th Century medical world and don’t know exactly what is going on. Maybe they need to start bleeding people to stave off deaths, they’ve tried everything else that hasn’t worked.


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