Paxton’s Revenge – IOTW Report

Paxton’s Revenge

Texas AG puts critics, Biden, and Google in crosshairs.

JTN: Two months after crushing a rushed effort to impeach him, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is plotting a dual tsunami designed to politically punish those in the Legislature who tried to remove him from office while putting Google, President Joe Biden and other liberal foes into his legal crosshairs.

During a wide-ranging interview Friday night on the Just the News, No Noise television show, Paxton outlined his ambitious plans and made clear the impeachment travails he survived have only increased his resolve to reshape politics and the law in Texas. And he thinks GOP voters in the state are motivated to join the fight.

“We are fortunate that we have so many people that have been motivated by what happened this last (legislative) session, where they didn’t pass border security, where they didn’t pass school choice, where they didn’t do as much on property tax to get the reductions that it should have. And then they impeach me in the last couple of days of the session without any notice, without any involvement, without any transparency. And I think the voters are upset about this,” Paxton said.

Paxton hopes to ride the wave of discontent to unseat state House Republicans he believes side too often with Democrats, starting with Speaker Dade Phelan, who authorized his impeachment. The attorney general is backing a slate of GOP challengers in the next primaries. more

6 Comments on Paxton’s Revenge

  1. Chip Roy is the king of following trends. I see him in my Twitter feed all the time although I don’t follow him, acting like a true Tea-Partier. But his actions re Paxton tell the truth about him.


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