Payback’s a Pitch – IOTW Report

Payback’s a Pitch


16 Comments on Payback’s a Pitch

  1. This is kind of a gutless call by MLB. So they are going to suspend him for the two games in NY. The chickenshit Utley will make a show of appealing, then MLB while deny the appeal. Utley thanks everyone and says “whew, that was close”. And another thing, whose idea is it to have Pete Rose on the show? He sounds, and looks like hell.

  2. One of the things that appalled me is that vengeance was not delivered IMMEDIATELY when the slide happened.

    These Mets look like a bunch of pussies. Can you imagine how this would have played out if Bill Doran had slid into Rafael Santana like that in the 1986 playoffs? The entire clubhouse would have charged the field at once, Doran would have left with quadruple the number of broken appendages as Santana, and, as collateral damage, Mike Scott’s balls would have been ripped off.

    I’m not impressed with this Jason Werth character either. If Utley had bedded Ron Darling ‘ s wife, the fashion model/babe goddess Toni O’Reilly, the pitching staff would have beaten his sorry ass to a thin, bloody pulp.

  3. Nobody on the 1986 Mets could’ve touched Scott’s balls, because they couldn’t have gotten past his split-finger fastball! C’mon… Bill Buckner won you the ring that year, so no reason to harbor ill will towards my Astros!

    But, even back in 1986, baseball’s justice system was in disrepair.

    At one time, the umpires knew when something occurred that was not outside the RULE BOOK, but still outside the accepted on-field standards, and some payback was in order. The umpires kept it in check. I’ve had umpires tell me (a catcher) when a player is walking to the batter’s box, “Not at the head, or somebody gets tossed.” They knew.

    Then, we had Tony Conigliero (not a bean ball), bench-clearing brawls, nasty things in the sporting press about retaliation, butt-hurt players doing stupid things outside those old accepted ‘norms’, and worst of all, the DH where the offender doesn’t bat… and then the rules hammer came down. Now, there are zero-tolerance rules and no way to address the gray areas in baseball. Remember that when Roger Clemens played in the AL, he’d come right at your head (ask Mike Piazza), but when he came over to the NL, and he had to bat, he became a solid citizen.

  4. Nah.. silly MLB rules assure that the original malefactor gets away with it, but he that retaliates gets tossed along with the manager, the batboy, the mascot, anyone wearing a fedora on the Club Level and anybody named Biff. Stupid, stupid rules, but probably necessary, because the modern era players just didn’t seem to “get it” where it came to enforcing baseball’s unwritten rules.

    Also, I’m still mystified as to why the Dodgers got to appeal the call at second base, in what was clearly a case of “in the area” (another unwritten baseball safety rule) on a double-play. Maybe the replay official should’ve said that while Tejada didn’t step on the bag, Utley was guilty of interference, and both he and the batter were out.

  5. The suspension was to protect MLB and not to punish Utley.

    They apparently think that Mets Fan would riot or attempt to injure Utley, and in the process, damage the sterling reputation (cough cough) of MLB.

    This decision was self-serving for MLB. Had it been disciplinary, Utley would’ve been out for the series, as happened to Bert Campaneris when he threw his bat at Lerrin LaGrow.

  6. It’s no different in basketball. If a guy cheap shots ya, no problem.
    But if you retaliate after a cheap shot, you both get tossed. Or maybe only the guy who retaliated sometimes.

  7. Well, i finally saw a vid of the play and that wasn’t a dirty play by utley

    He took out the guy and he did it without using his spikes and there was nothing dirty about it.

    The announcers didn’t see anything wrong with it when it happened and the reason they didn’t is because there was nothing wrong with it.

    The “catcher” on here is full of sht.

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