Paying “Community Mobilizers” To Generate Contact Information May Not Violate Election Law – IOTW Report

Paying “Community Mobilizers” To Generate Contact Information May Not Violate Election Law

Just the News

Wisconsin Takes Action, a project of Organizing Empowerment PAC, held live Zoom training sessions during the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, instructing potential “community mobilizers” on how to reach out to people to encourage them to vote and get paid hundreds of dollars for their outreach efforts.

During an hour-long training session on the day after the Wisconsin Supreme Court primary election in February, the organizers running the session explained how attendees could earn $30 by downloading an app from the Empower Project, a left-wing organization that helps “progressive organizations and nonprofits … activate, build, and expand their activist bases and organizational reach on a meaningful scale,” according to its website. 

Empower Project uses “relational organizing” for reaching out to potential voters because “talking to people who you do know,” a trainer explained, is “really effective because you talking to your father to go vote or your sister or your friend is a lot more effective than me telling them to go vote because I don’t know them. But with you, there’s a lot more connection or relationship built and more reason for them to be compelled to go vote.” More

1 Comment on Paying “Community Mobilizers” To Generate Contact Information May Not Violate Election Law

  1. Can’t have a thread with no comments! Even if not directly related.

    And to the south major Beetlejuice’s replacement has announced his plan to hire hundreds of social workers to go out with the cops on responses to violent criminal calls.

    If you think Beetlejuice was bad you’re in for a whole new level or murder, rape & mayhem.

    The heyjackass site will be racking up unbelievable numbers in future.


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