PayPal Owner, David Marcus, Does 180 and Backs Trump – Says He Was Completely Wrong- Democrats Do Not Care About People – IOTW Report

PayPal Owner, David Marcus, Does 180 and Backs Trump – Says He Was Completely Wrong- Democrats Do Not Care About People

Will he stop harassing companies that conduct legal business?

Read it all HERE

10 Comments on PayPal Owner, David Marcus, Does 180 and Backs Trump – Says He Was Completely Wrong- Democrats Do Not Care About People

  1. The application of reality and common sense brought this individual to a logical conclusion. It’s always amazes me that otherwise intelligent and successful people buy in to the left’s narratives without actually thinking for themselves. I assume a great deal of it is herd mentality among the “elite”.

  2. might present a more significant threat.

    MIGHT? MIGHT???? Change ‘might’ to ‘would’ and this would be far more powerful. As stated it leaves open the possibility that the ‘rats could be correct.

    one word makes a large difference

  3. “Then COVID came, revealing more. While I don’t subscribe to the most malicious vaccine conspiracy theories, I do take offense at the censorship machine put in place to hide the origin of the virus from the NIH-funded Wuhan lab and all dissenting voices on vaccinations and lockdowns”

    “most malicious vaccine conspiracy theories”

    Like which?

    He’s still half asleep.

  4. Vicious Sid – otherwise intelligent and successful people buy in to the left’s narratives without actually thinking for themselves.

    I’m pretty sure those otherwise intelligent and successful people who buy in to the left’s narrative have give a lot of thought to it and are simply taking sides for their own personnal gain. It is the Stupd Lemmings who give it no real thought. Like, ya know, those morons that don’t know what river and what sea…. Idiots that need a cheat sheet to poop!

  5. General Malaise — Give him time. It’s not easy — especially for those Smaht Guys — to admit they’ve been really quite stupid for so long. Even his word salad mea culpa at the end of his statement is just saying he’s going to think for himself now. It couldn’t have been easy for him to realize that he hasn’t been.

    Maybe this — thinking for yourself — will become a thing for more useful idiots. We can only hope.

  6. It’s a start. Now repeat after me:

    “Climate Change” is a hoax.

    “BLM is a hoax.”

    “DEI is a hoax.”

    “‘Peaceful Muslim’ is a hoax.”

    “81 million votes was a hoax.”


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