PBS Stations That Received Millions In Federal Funds Partnered With Chinese Foreign Agent On Pro-Beijing Film – IOTW Report

PBS Stations That Received Millions In Federal Funds Partnered With Chinese Foreign Agent On Pro-Beijing Film

DC: PBS affiliates that receive millions of dollars in federal funding each year are airing a pro-Beijing documentary produced in conjunction with CGTN, a Chinese-government controlled media outlet that is registered as a foreign agent with the Justice Department.

The film, “Voices from the Frontline: China’s War on Poverty,” did not disclose CGTN’s links to the Chinese government. Nor did it detail the ties that the film’s producer, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, has to Chinese officials and the government’s State Council Information Office, which specializes in foreign propaganda.

PBS affiliate KOCE, known as PBS SoCal, helped produce the film and premiered it Monday. KCET, which merged with KOCE in 2018, will air the show on Saturday. Other PBS affiliates, including in Idaho and Las Vegas, have either already aired the film or plan to do so later this month. read more

7 Comments on PBS Stations That Received Millions In Federal Funds Partnered With Chinese Foreign Agent On Pro-Beijing Film

  1. And they wonder why I never ever give them money during any of their too many pledge drives for money every year. Defund PBS, NPR, the Corp for Public Broadcasting and all other the govt. tit sucking entities and make them pay for themselves. I will never be guilt tripped ever again into giving them any money ever like I did foolishly in the past. PBS and NPR in particular have become nothing but constant shills for left wing propaganda and freak shows promoting everything that is bad which they consider to be good to the brain dead American suckers who watch their drivel. Mortimer Downey Jr. once called them liberal, pablum pukers, they fit that to a T.

  2. geoff the aardvark – You did give them money. You just didn’t know it… and neither did I.
    Tokyo Rose never would have dreamed it possible to actually get the United States to pay for propaganda, let alone turn four major networks and their bastard children cable channels into full-fledged propaganda outlets as well!

  3. Were it not for the GOP left PBS would have been history 35 years ago. Ronny tried to kill it 8 straight years. Liberal GOPe fought him! Naming 2 of many names: GWB’s BFFs Snarlen Arlen and BobDole!

    Ronny was right; the bushes were and are wrong!


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