PBS Takes A Secular Whack At Billy Graham – IOTW Report

PBS Takes A Secular Whack At Billy Graham

Last night, PBS’s historical series, “American Experience” focused on Billy Graham. It’s strictly a secular treatment of Graham, from trying to portray him as a “salesman” of faith to viewing his Christian beliefs as out of step with the modern world to casting a shadow over the man’s association with numerous presidents. Preview Here

I managed to watch the first third of the program (up to Graham’s first visit to the White House, to meet with Harry Truman). My impression was that the creators were determined to cast the man as equal parts cold warrior and religious opportunist while down playing if not questioning the morality of his evangelism.

The home page for “Billy Graham” (note: the full program itself was not available at the time of this posting) Here.

14 Comments on PBS Takes A Secular Whack At Billy Graham

  1. Billy Graham is the man God used to lead a number of people I know to Christ. Don’t trust PBS, but I try to remember…God is perfect man is not yet God uses men to do His work.

  2. Secularist finding fault with Billy Graham for the success of his Crusades is like communist criticizing capitalism for being the most effective force of poverty abatement mankind has ever seen.

  3. You can’t sell “faith”, a believer has to develop it for himself by himself as a result of a sincere personal desire to do so.

    It usually develops slowly over time by getting results.

    That means it’s a strictly personal thing, one that comes from within the believer, not from outside or from other people.

  4. I used to watch the Billy Graham crusades on one of the 3 main network channels. It was on every night for a week. Now all the networks do is try to sneer at a man of God who, like all of us, was not perfect. Main thing is, he tried and brought hundreds of thousands of people to the altar.

  5. PBS is like the guy that owns wikipedia. Always with hat in hand asking for a donation so he can live another day.

    I’ve watched PBS a few times when they had some old rock stars on to reperform their old hits. But when the music stops there are the fading stars asking you to empty your wallet and send it to PBS. I grudgingly pay them through taxes and its still not enough, I bet PBS compensates its top executives very well. Get them to take a pay cut to keep it going.

    On the other hand, I don’t care one bit if the whole stupid network bites the dust.

  6. The PBS sound and texture (if I can call it that) is a big turn off to me.

    They have some kind of muffled ding sound that is supposed to waken sleeping couch potatoes that something special is coming up, like white-haired Bill something-or-other, an old JFK fool living in the past while still trying to wring a living as a political commentator on TV.

    Honestly, some commercials on regular TV are more entertaining. I have gotten lots of laughs from commercials over the years. Who can forget the Swedish Bikini Team rappeling down to a bunch of guys out camping that had run out of beer, each girl with a carton of Old Milwaukee under her arm? They saved the day for those guys.

  7. I remember Billy Graham Crusades and they were compelling. People in droves, drawn by the Holy Spirit prompted by the message of salvation – a relationship with God through accepting Christ as Savior and Lord, fascinated me.

    Many times, as a kid snd teen I repeated the sinners prayer watching those crusades, not knowing how to truly serve God. Yet, a seed of faith was planted and many years later it took root in my life. Those televised crusades, for me were a lifesaver – yes, literally.

    The current socialist saturated generations are facing an uphill battle. They just don’t have the spiritual influence of a Judeo-Christian foundation vital for the stabilization of our American culture. A vital influence that was somewhat dominant before the year 2000.


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