PC People Ruin Everything – IOTW Report

PC People Ruin Everything

Patriot Retort: So I was tootling along Twitter when I stumbled across this routine from Australian comic Steve Hughes.

Now, I never heard of Steve Hughes before. But that’s probably because I don’t watch television and never watched Comedy Central when I did.

But this clip is so hilarious, I feel like I’ve been missing out on something special.

In this bit, Hughes zeroes in on people who are perpetually OffendedTM.

Give it a watch. You’ll laugh your ass off.

And, if you’re offended, you’re probably a Leftie.

3 Comments on PC People Ruin Everything

  1. The first video shows him on stage where he pays lip service against political correctness. Then he goes on to insult religion as an example – – totally gutless because he knows a liberal audience will laugh. In the second video he professes his belief against politically correctness in an INTERVIEW, not on stage, which is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT because it takes courage to stick your neck out.

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