PC Trump – IOTW Report

PC Trump

God bless @megynkelly for seeing what we see now.

watching socalled conservatives okay with the period joke. Again, once you’re okay with the McCain joke, there are no limits up or down.

as someone who went to berkeley in 80’s i know the PC movement. Politically incorrect thought requires truth, not lewdness.

i remember when being politically incorrect didn’t mean being a shithead.

we’ve now conflated the very worst of behavior that the PC movement aimed to eradicate, with a sound rebellion against the PC movement. sad

click more to see what this is all about  

this is exactly what the conservative movement needs! a man who can speak truth to periods.

watching people defend any behavior because they can’t let go. Is this how really bad stuff starts?

1st step: “anchor was on her period,” says repub candidate. 2nd step: minions go, “hooray it’s blunt.” third step: lose election.

71 Comments on PC Trump

  1. The dog whistle of racism has been replaced with the dog whistle of misogyny, just as predicted.

    You have to actively looking for misogyny to find in in Trumps statement, and even doing that it is quite a leap to come out with a period joke.

    Sadly, this is just the beginning.

  2. The worst part of Fox’s flawed thinking is how it’ll be bought into, no matter how unfounded the accusation, because attributing misogyny to Trump will clear the way for ¡Yeb!. The War On Women? For Real!

  3. I guess the dirt on Trump has to be fresh? Can’t they find something really politically incorrect? Or is this just the newest incarnation of Bill Clinton’s meaning of is is??

  4. Trump is gathering a huge following/army. Check out his FB and Instagram page. When ever there’s a negative post about him they show up to defend him. Not just a few either. He’s here for the duration. And what Fox did is proof we need him in the mix no matter how you feel about him as a candidate. At the least he has the political machine off balance. As far as this PC crap goes the only people that care are the news media.

  5. It’s election season, and I object to talking heads on any network and of any political orientation making the story about them instead of the candidates. The moderators on the Fox debate spoke more themselves than the candidates, and post-debate spent a considerable amount of time congratulating themselves about how pointed their questions were. Hey – that’s your job, and the whole purpose of the program was to learn more about the Republican candidates.

    Trump’s comment was, coming from a man running for President, classless. If you want to frame an opinion about Trump which includes his penchant for not filtering his words, that’s fine – Joe Biden is bashed regularly for this. But this process is not about Megyn Kelly, Greg Gutfeld, or any other of the personalities on Fox. Trump insulted Kelly, but that’s just too bad and she needs to get over it. Gutfeld needs to quit bitching about Trump’s treatment of Kelly like this is something vitally important to anything.

  6. PC = “self-censoring in order to please others who would rather control your tone and vocabulary than get to the truth”

    I’m enjoying Trump in this process for the fresh dose of reality and free speech he brings. Would he be a good President? I don’t know – and that debate didn’t enlighten me at all. Well, except that I see FOX News is more pro-RINO than I thought.

    Everyone jumping on the “Trash Trump” bandwagon are self serving, holier than thou attention-seeking whores. Yeah, Trump isn’t perfect; are you?

    I’m just so sick of PC. I self-censor all day at work. In an educational-based company, I work with quite a few loony liberals. Sometimes you can find compatriots by short, non-committal statements and when you see their eyes light up, you probe further. Then it’s, “You’re conservative, too?” you know you have a friend.

    I pray for the day we can all express opinions without worrying about consequences like being out of favor with your bosses and either getting your work and wages held back or being fired outright.

    One more thing – Ted Cruz may not ruffle as many feathers as Trump, but he speaks truth. Calling turtle a liar; boy, did that upset a lot of RINOs. And did you hear what he said in response to Trump saying that our political leaders (on criminal invaders) are stupid? He said they are not stupid, they just don’t want to close the borders.

    Do you understand what he said? He said that the elite in DC in BOTH parties want the United States of America to be flooded with criminal invaders.

    That’s not PC and Ted Cruz said it.

  7. Exactly. It’s A-ok for Howard Stern to talk with her about her boobs and the size of her husband’s penis, but if Trump says she has blood coming out of her “wherever” (and Trump said he meant her nose, or ears, or wherever, not her nether-region wherever), then quickly to the fainting couch! Hurry! The imagined lewdness is just so overwhelming!

  8. WTF?! For real??? I didn’t even think of it as a “period” joke. You know, until a couple of growth -challenged Fox morons said that I should. Was Greg trying to beat Chris Matthews to the punch?

    It must really hurt them that no one can stand yeb boosh. lol

  9. We already have three parties! The 1st party is made up of Marxists, a majority of minorities, and many lazy free loaders, i.e., the 47% and is called the DemoRAT Party. The 2nd Party is made up of RINO’s and all their paymasters and enablers, i.e., crony capitalists, Chamber types, consultant class and bundlers called the Republican Party. The 3rd party is made up of good, solid patriotic and loyal Americans which basically are a party unto themselves (just ask the RINO’s who hate them and belittle them) but are now attached to the Republican party! Now what we need are two distinct and separate entities, i.e., the ‘Anti-American Party’ made up of the DemoRATS (and where most RINO’s would feel comfortable) and the ‘American Party’ made up of the good, hardworking, honest, moral and loyal Patriots!

  10. I probably would have said “she’s on the rag.”

    She has the nose flair and the eye bleed down to a science. Phony biotch. See, I can say it because I am a woman.

    Maybe we should ask Debbie if Megan was on the rag. She just might know.

  11. The quote that Megyn Kelly used pertaining to Donald Trump during the GOP debate was taken out of context and twisted to imply a sexual nature. When Trump said it would be good to see Brande Roderick “on her knees” he meant BEGGING for her job. ANYONE who watched that clip from The Apprentice would understand this comment and the context in which it was made. Furthermore, Kelly is no saint when it comes to language. Her comments made in the clip below on The Howard Stern Show show cannot be taken out of context. They were clearly sexual in nature. There is no ambiguity in her vulgar language. She appeared on Stern’s show and allowed this interview to happen in order to boost her career. Listener discretion advised. Fast forward to the 4:30 mark. “You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the speck out of your brother’s eye.” – Matthew 7:5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IML_UGhXz2Q

  12. “Get off your high miniature horse Greg.”


    …we ALL know the “proper” term is

    (I used to call it a “hobby horse,” until someone sensitized me to the plight of full time, professional rocking horses.)

  13. I went from hating liberals to hating liberals and Republicans, to hating everyone. America is on the brink and all that is discussed is who said what, like a bunch of school girls, like a bunch of Pajama boys. We are focked because these people can’t STFU.

  14. Anybody else get the feeling that after the last telecast on November 8th 2016 the entire Fox crew is loading up in a couple Fox clown cars, driving to the nearest polling place and voting Democrat straight down the line?
    Fox is normally on at my house all the time. No more. I’ll watch Hannity and that’s it.
    Boycott Fox

  15. Some on MSNBC are treating Trump more fairly than Fox is. They had a former contestant of Celebrity Apprentice on this morning, young black female liberal, defending Trump.

  16. I listen to Hannity on radio sometimes and the only FOX I watch is Fox bidness. Because that channel seems to be the only one that tells you who is IN my business that shouldn’t be there.

    I wish all networks would stop with the ‘variety shows’ on the news.
    That includes the 5, out numbered and all that shit. You want leggy women and Manga eyelashes, pick up a magazine.

  17. I hate how so called liberated women claim they don’t want any special treatment based on gender and that their balls are as big as any man–except when it suits their purpose to play the part of offended girlie because the bad mean old man said something nasty to them. NOt to mention that Megyn would look like a crapfest without her false eyelashes heavy makeup and hair extensions. Such a confident in her natural beauty kinda girl-right? Like to see her in the ring with Ronda Rousey.

  18. Excellent rant, BFH, I’m so glad you called GG out! To Gutfeld: Yes, Greg, just what this country needs is yet another presidential candidate, who self censors and who lies and fakes it all the way to the win, THEN makes clear his position as a racist, a moslem, a bowing, slobbering friend of our enemies and a vicious, rabid and despicable enemy of our friends, and of our country. As far as I am concerned, the GOP “debate” was little more than a FOX well paid for hunt for Cecil the Lion. ‘Lure the BIG one out and cut off his head – shut the crazies up, so we can go on with the business of getting our chosen one elected.’, Sorry, FOX, your arrow ricocheted and stuck you in the arse.

  19. Sounds like the ‘War on Men” woman are in a pretend snit over a so-called ‘War on Woman’ pseudo-slight. Oh well, any port in a storm, or any advantage your lady parts can bring you, so sayeth Hillary and her hand maidens armed with attack mode vapors!

  20. I didn’t get the menstrual reference either. Maybe it’s because at my age the woman I hang with no longer have periods. At first glance I just thought Trump’s comments were analogous to “flames shooting out of her eyes” or “she saw blood and went for the kill” or something similar.

    Amusingly, I do find some of the outrage a bit misogynistic and cowardly. By implying that Magyn Kelly is too delicate to fight her own battles, the manly-mens at Red State double down by acting like a bunch of micro-aggressed college womyns. “We must dis-invite those who’s speech we find offensive and create safe spaces of inclusiveness.” Really?
    What a bunch of losers.

  21. The Donald is not a real candidate. He’s there because the GOP is using him as a distraction from: Hillary Clinton and the DEM’s regime as well as their own political class of One System facists. The last thing they want people talking about is Walker, Cruz and Paul. And it’s working.

  22. I agree – his whole career has been about pushing the envelope. I think he and Dana have a short people crush on each other. The short jokes and Jasper jokes were a daily occurrence. I stopped watching a while ago when she went foaming at the mouth Maddow about something Trump said

  23. You know, the Family likes trump. He’s no Sicilian, but he’s got class and guts. We’re thinking of making Megyn Kelly, that damsel over at the foxhole, an offer she can’t refuse. We’ll see. As for Mr. Trump. Hands off. You don’t want to upset the Don. No you don’t.

  24. Newt should have been president. I voted for him. This country would be fine tuned if he had won. Now 8 years will have been wasted on Obama. Thanks all you thilly fools who voted for The Won

  25. It bothered me that Trump and Megyn got more facetime than anyone else. What were the other candidates there for? We already knew Donald Trump’s tabloid business, so what would it take for the other guys/gal to get that much attention? Do they need to get on the covers of the gossip rags, too?
    The next debate had better be a real one. What we saw was a group of girls ripping out each others’ hair extensions during a fight in a high school bathroom.

    Some advice to the other candidates re: Trump/Megyn.

  26. I didn’t get the comment at first. Guess I was a little slow for a minute or 2 being old and all.
    Did it bother me? I rolled my eyes and moved on.

    What does bother me, however, is Trump’s after-the-fact not wanting to own the comment. He’s been back pedaling and saying he didn’t mean a period but was referring to blood coming out her ears or mouth or whatever. Sorry bud, you said, you meant it, now own it.

  27. What does piss me off about the debate is the apparent deliberate ignoring of Ted Cruz. Is Fox afraid Cruz will make Yeb look like an elementary school kid?
    Ms. Kelly took too mush face time and is not a candidate.

  28. Eugenia I’ve watched Megyn Kelly interview Ted Cruz 4 times, the first 3 times I was very impressed with the way she showed him respect. The last time however she interrupted Mr. Cruz and actually said if you like Trump so much why don’t you drop out. This happens to coincide with when Ted Cruz wouldn’t bash Trump for his illegal alien comments. She definitely has an agenda against Trump. I have no respect for her now.

  29. Megyn Kelly, a newswoman, did a hatchet job on a legitimate republican candidate. Trump is leading in the polls and she did a smear job on him.
    Why were we mad at Candy Crowley? Remind me again why?

    Now tell me why Gutfeld is praising Kelly?
    Had it been Crowley going after Trump, and he delivered a Trumpism at her, Gutfeld would not be pulling the sanctimonious card, I can assure you.

    I have to tell you, Gutfeld has been annoying me for years now.
    And him putting “Manhattan” as his location on his Twitter bio hits me the wrong way. NYC wouldn’t suffice?
    Manhattan. Really? Why not Chelsea or Soho, so we can really enjoy his blossoming metrosexualism?

  30. Eugenia. If you heard the comment and took it as her period, that was your interpretation.
    I would think in light of recent comments Cruz is liked only slightly more than Trump right now by the Wall Street power brokers. Personally I think those two show some real promise.

  31. I’m surprised she didn’t ask Rand if he thought his daddy was crazy drug pusher. Or asked Christie how much weight he lost. Or asked why Cruz made his wife quit her job. Or asked Yeb what he would think about illegals if one of them raped his wife.
    Those would be all bullshit questions, wouldn’t they?
    Why not focus on the fucking economy and outside threats, Megyn? Seriously. There are OTHER candidates who want time, too. Including the ones thought should be at the kids’ table. Tacky as hell, people. Just tacky as hell.

  32. It doesn’t really matter what he is right now as long as he continues to stir up the political dung heap! I don’t know if he is Hillary’s plant or a GOP mole or Jebby’s secret shill but whatever he is I don’t believe that any of them expected to happen what is happening!

  33. NO, dear Eugenia.
    *I* took it as “she’s ANGRY AS HELL” kind of blowing off steam…as if to say she’s bleeding out of her eyes, nose, ears, butt…whatever.

    NOTHING – except for what PC Leftists say YOU MUST BE OFFENDED BY THIS!!!

    And I’m not offended. BOO HOO.
    Fiorina is an OPPORTUNISTIC, politically-superficial A§$ to have supported Kelly on this.

  34. I’m glad to find fine folks making the same type of comments that represent my way of thinking. I never liked Ms. Kelly, figured it was classic case of “failing up”. Mr. Ailes has created a news org that has devolved into a in-bred, self loving bunch of second rate Op-Ed (at best) talking heads that hardly know what the news is let alone report it correctly.

    Hope sites like this stay in biz. Real news is hard to find.

    Have loved most comments left here

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