Peacocks? More Like Poococks – IOTW Report

Peacocks? More Like Poococks

Fox 35 Orlando

“I went, and there [Wadeview Park] were three inches of poop all over their front yard,” said City Commissioner Patty Sheehan. “There was poop all over their cars and all over the roof of their house. And I’m like, wow, I wouldn’t want to live like this.”

Commissioner Sheehan says she used city discretionary funds to hire a wildlife trapper after unsuccessful efforts to move them with things like light lasers. So far, one peacock has been removed from the resident’s property. Commissioner Sheehan says the issue is that they’re being fed, especially in one area near the home. More

20 Comments on Peacocks? More Like Poococks

  1. @Cardiff: about 30 years ago, I worked for the county in which I live. The city reintroduced peregrines into the area (I guess they had been native to the region), beginning with nesting downtown. Prior to that time the downtown area had a pretty bad pigeon problem. Somehow, for the last 30 years it’s rare to see a pigeon at all, let alone downtown.

  2. ““Even the sound of them makes me happy” said one resident.”

    I guess this person likes the sound of a cat in a blender. They’re one obnoxious critter.

  3. One of my last customers of the day was in Ronan, Montana on Mondays and Thursdays. It was located in a small greenhouse/flowershop and she had a shop peacock who pooped all over the place. One day as I was going in thru the front door to make my delivery, I had to watch my step to make sure that I didn’t step in the peacock poop. She also had quite the menagerie as she usually had baby bunnies for sale as well. And horses and cows and other critters on the adjacent farm next to her flowershop. She was one of my favorite customers.

  4. Geese. The way you stop them is with a 12 gauge or a punt gun.

    But one-on-one you grab the head and neck, just behind the head, and squeeze them together. Like Nike. Just Do It.

  5. 12 guage. Too big, too noisy, unnecessary.
    I’d say a 410 would work well.

  6. Any animal taken out of its natural habitat will produce the same result.
    People who own cats and dogs have to clean up after them, just as do people who own geese and peafowl.
    Let your dogs run the house and they’ll shit all over it.
    Let your cats run the house and they’ll shit all over it.

    Canada geese are migratory and when they descended on NIST, north of DC, it looked like a shit-festival – but they resumed their journey, it rained, and that was that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. That is bullshit…….Ive raised peacocks for 30 years, they are all over my yard, my porch……And I have no problem… Also raise chickens and no problem with them either.

    Somebody needs to get a grip! Good God!


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