Pearl Clutchery: The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Released A List of ‘Offensive’ Terms People Should Stop Using – IOTW Report

Pearl Clutchery: The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Released A List of ‘Offensive’ Terms People Should Stop Using

Tatum Report: CBC Ottawa has compiled a new list of words that were analyzed by “anti-racism and language experts.” Those compiling the list noted that you’re not automatically a bad person if you use these words. The CBC experts said, “Racist etymologies are not obvious in most cases.”

Joseph Smith, one of the anti-racist trainers, explained:

“The terms are not all negative, but some terms like “blackmail” and “blacklist” use black in a negative way that lowers the status of black people. “[It] connotes evil, distrust, lack of intelligence, ignorance, a lack beauty — the absence of white.”

The problematic terms listed in the article include Ghetto, blackmail gypped, powwow, crippled, blind spot, first-world problem, lame, spirit animal, grandfathered in, tone-deaf, black sheep, tribe, spooky, savage, and to sell someone down the river. more

30 Comments on Pearl Clutchery: The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Released A List of ‘Offensive’ Terms People Should Stop Using

  1. The year is 1969 in a white bread suburb of Toronto.
    First year High school,grade nine,his name was Nigel,first black kid any of us went to school with.
    We were tripping over ourselves to make friends with the young man.He was a nice guy and we became friends, there was never any discussion of race or colour between us.
    What went wrong since then.
    I could tell you but would probably get in shit for it.

  2. Sigh…why is it that every single Canadian I know who has moved to the United States can’t wait to tell you how ****ed up it is here? I swear, every single one. Don’t like it here? Get the hell out!

  3. There is no end to the dumbassery, (not on the list, yet).
    CRT only breeds more racism.
    Only point out the differences, not peoples similarities.
    Threaten my children and I will come for you.
    Independent of race, gender, or creed.

  4. I think all this Black Friday crap needs to end, it just sounds bad. Blackmail is okay, I’ve used it a time or two. Black list is okay by me, I’ve got a few on my black list – they’re all white too! 🙂

  5. Offensive words are only offensive to those that are willing to be offended by them.

    The word ‘black’ is no more offensive than the word ‘white’, except in the mind of some ignorant that wishes it to be so.

    If we use science….black is the absence of color where white is the result of ALL colors combined.

    Those that wish to play with words, twist them and redefine them are the TRUE trouble makers.

    The government and the SJWs need to STFU, stay out of the way and tend to their OWN damn business.

  6. Apple Corp announced that it’s removing terms like “Master/Slave” and “Blacklisting” in its internal documentation. They’ve also tasked their lobbyists in Washington, DC to lobby against a bill that would block importation of goods manufactured by forced labor, like many Apple products likely are. That is woke capitalism in a nutshell… Get monstrously rich off of slavery, but ban any words that may remind people of it.

  7. Funny how they didn’t mention that pedo Joe Biden is also a long-time known race supremacist who often made racial slurs and language against those non-white groups he hates.

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