Peeps Oreos Have Rather Unfortunate Side Effects – IOTW Report

Peeps Oreos Have Rather Unfortunate Side Effects

Newser: The latest cream flavor to come out of something called “the Oreo Wonder Vault” has consumers wondering why their poop suddenly looks like it could’ve come from a unicorn. Two weeks ago, Oreo released a limited edition of its cookie with a vanilla shell and a filling flavored like the love-it-or-hate-it marshmallow candy Peeps, reports
One reviewer claims the filling is the same one used in the Marshmallow Crispy Oreos, but with one major difference: It’s bright pink and appears to turn your mouth—and even your dung—bright pink, too. “My spit looks like Pepto-Bismol” hours after eating the cookies, one Twitter user complains, per Delish. Adds another, “My roommate ate a whole pack of Oreo Peeps and left a pink stain in the toilet.”

25 Comments on Peeps Oreos Have Rather Unfortunate Side Effects

  1. It’s an LBGT plot. You’ll piss purple, poop pink, get a My Little Pony tattoo – next thing ya know you’re dressing like the Village People and putting up Hillary 2020 signs on your front lawn.

  2. Pepto Bismol turns your stool very black (it has bismuth in it)–I say eat a whole pack of these Oreos and drink a bottle of Pepto Bismol and go to the ER!

  3. So how come I still like strawberry koolaid which we called bug juice in the Navy. I’ve never had any problems with it coloring my poop. There were worse things like curdled milk from the milk machines when we started running out of fresh supplies and it was time for an Unrep (underway replenishment). I know because when I was shit canned as a messcook I was in charge of filling the milk machines on the mess deck. There’s nothing worse than curdled milk, it’s gross.

  4. Whoever ends up doing the Gay Wedding cakes will think it’s Christmas all year. Also the whole Pink bowl thing, thats got to have em lickin their Lips.
    I need to go barf now.

  5. And to add that the citric acid level of the bug juice
    koolaid was so high we used it to clean the monel
    shitters on submarines and descale the urinal drains by
    I believe it was red bug, yellow bug, green bug, and purple bug.

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