Pelosi – IOTW Report


Great gif of Pelosi tearing up the President’s address.

38 Comments on Pelosi

  1. Someone here said last night in the debate thread that the Democrats showed up again at the SOTU in their KKK garb but forgot the hoods. Truer words never spoken. I was curious what the Democrats were saying in the newspapers about Lincoln in the run-up to his second term, and ran across this AP (telegram):

    It’s really quite fascinating to read the Confederate and “Copperheads” headlines and newspapers from the Civil War era. This is how one journalist described Lincoln:

    “Wisconsin newspaper editor Marcus M. Pomeroy of the La Crosse Democrat referred to Lincoln as “Fungus from the corrupt womb of bigotry and fanaticism” and a “worse tyrant and more inhuman butcher than has existed since the days of Nero […] The man who votes for Lincoln now is a traitor and murderer […] And if he is elected to misgovern for another four years, we trust some bold hand will pierce his heart with dagger point for the public good”.”

    Democrats: On the wrong side of history since. . .forever.

  2. Pelousy should realize that when she’s dead and buried, the world will shred her memory and be forgotten like Windows 3.1 passwords.

    Live it up, b!tch; history’s dustbin awaits.

  3. We now need a meme of Nancy ripping up the SOTU address with the words “Nancy ripping up the U.S. Constitution daily.”

    Let me Fact check it now-
    False imaginary but not sediment!

  4. I only listened to the SOTU during the live broadcast. But I did watch the later rebroadcast.

    Nancy wasn’t just low class at the end when she tore up a copy of the speech. She needs an acting coach. She tried to act casual during the entire speech, as if she was alone at home in her office. But she tried too hard, text book example of over acting.

    I think she was preoccupied during the whole speech thinking about the best way to execute her big preplanned dramatic act of ripping up the speech.

    Let’s see, what’s the best moment, not to early, not to late. And what’s the best angle to catch the camera, as pages are aligned, what angle for the first tear, then the second one?

    Keep emotions under control, iow, self-talk – Nancy what ever you do — don’t smile. Nancy don’t smile, Nancy don’t smile, rip the pages again, Nancy don’t smile. (A lot of self consciousness about all the criticism following all the smiling and laughing at the signing of the impeachment document ceremony.) Don’t f-up again, Nancy don’t smile, make clean complete tears, Nancy don’t smile.

  5. Dear Lord,
    Please let me live long enough to piss on the grave of

  6. Bill, that reminds me of the joke about the DI screaming in the recruit’s face that he bet he couldn’t wait to piss on his grave; recruit says, “No Sir! I swore after I got out of the Army, I’d never stand in a long line again.”

  7. beachmom
    FEBRUARY 5, 2020 AT 11:30 AM
    “That baboon isn’t drunk”

    …that’s not a sentence I would have expected to ever come up, but here we are, and it’s totally APPROPRIATE too, thanks, Democrats…


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