Pelosi can rip up Trump’s State of the Union address, but she can’t change his accomplishments – IOTW Report

Pelosi can rip up Trump’s State of the Union address, but she can’t change his accomplishments

WaEx: As President Trump concluded his State of the Union address and the cameras began to shift to the congressional audience, a shot of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping up the physical copy of Trump’s speech drew attention.

This moment, though brief, showed how tensions between the president and the Democratic Party are at an all-time high. Trump spent the early minutes of his address praising his own administration’s accomplishments, both economic and cultural, and sharply contrasting them with the failures of the Obama administration. He didn’t mention impeachment, acting almost as if it didn’t exist — or like it just didn’t matter. more

21 Comments on Pelosi can rip up Trump’s State of the Union address, but she can’t change his accomplishments

  1. Perfect! Not only is Trump an outsider, but he has shown how truly ineffective Congress is and what hard work and determination can accomplish. And it’s eating their guts out. Not since Reagan have I been so happy to vote. I love our President. KAG

  2. Put Nancy’s tantrum along with ambushes of diners in restaurants.

    That’s who democrats are.
    “Civility” to them is equivalent to “peace” to islam. TOTAL SUBMISSION to them is their goal, and they rest at nothing else. Just as bad are the RINOs and other self-serving politicians who perpetually sell us out to these fascists!

  3. I’m so old that I still remember all the media kvetching during the Obama Daze about Respecting The Office If Not The Man:

    Which was always nothing more than their way of saying “shut up”. The subhuman filth that respects no institution or tradition.

    Now is their time to shut up. Kindly do so.

  4. Seems to me that if we have an individual two heart beats away from leading the Nation than that person should be subject to physical and mental scrutiny. Based on Nancy’s behavior last night, she’s cray cray and not fit to serve.

  5. Pelosi is a bitter, nasty, vile, evil Democrat who worships Moloch and celebrates sexual perversions. Those are planks of the Democrat Party. I am glad she is denied communion. Her eternal fate looks grim.

    Her petty prank shows she hates America as much as she does Trump.

  6. Pictures say 1000 words and what she did so publicly will never go away ever. It will become a permanent part of her nasty legacy long after she’s assumed room temperature. What she did was totally despicable and beyond the pale. That photo will be as famous as Neville Chamberlain giving into Hitler with the paper to show Hitler’s good intentions or Harry Truman with the picture that says Dewey defeats Truman. She’s her own worst enemy.

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