Pelosi: Congress Does Not Have “Shared Values” With The President – IOTW Report

Pelosi: Congress Does Not Have “Shared Values” With The President


During a interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria at the Council on Foreign Relations, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump did not have “shared values,” with the Congress of the United States. More

27 Comments on Pelosi: Congress Does Not Have “Shared Values” With The President

  1. Nancy, you don’t speak for too many people so quit acting like you do. You’re not even in control of your own party which is fitting since you encouraged all the radical behavior. It came back to bite you in your bony ass didn’t it?

  2. Wait a sec.. Shared values is not a good thing! How many times have democrats reminded us that “diversity is our strength”?

    Exactly why progs recognize an unlimited amount of genders. Sharing so much as a gender with anyone else is viewed as a weakness.

    Not sharing values with this congress is a strength and I think that’s something democrats and republicans should be able to easily agree on.

  3. We know ‘America first’ is not a value you possess, along with too many of your globalist colleagues in the primate House.
    Yet another reason WTP elected Trump, and still a mystery to tyrants.

  4. No shit Nancy ! The majority of Congress is currently a bunch of Communist and/or Socialist reprobates lining their pockets. Not a lot to have in common with the populous.

  5. What were the titles of Fareed’s books again? The Post-American World.

    Gee, what kind of values do I share with deadeyed, pointy toothed savages?

    Cheering the Post-American World or the exclusionary by definition “The Future is __________, female, black, gay, latina” whatever the fuck you aren’t – does not dare ask, “Do I have a say in the matter of my values being extinguished?”

  6. “…and still a mystery to tyrants.” -CC

    And to Google and Twitter and Facebook and Apple and Microsoft…

    …and all the global corporations. And THAT is a MAJOR problem because THEY are in bed with the Democrats.

  7. That is why we need to do away with representatives that don’t represent us. How about we get to go online and vote for ourselves on issues. I only want to be taxed on things I want to support with a donation, if I so chose. Oh, you wouldn’t want me to do that??? How about keeping your greedy hands out of my pockets.

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