Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5 – IOTW Report

Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Monday invited President Trump to deliver the State of the Union address on February 5.

The invitation from Pelosi comes after a planned January 29 date to give the address was scuttled due to the partial government shutdown. That led to a contentious back-and-forthbetween Trump and the House speaker before the president announced a deal to reopen the government on January 25.

“When I wrote to you on January 23rd, I stated that we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has reopened to schedule this year’s State of the Union address,” Pelosi  wrote in her new invitation to Trump. “In our conversation today, we agreed on February 5th.

“Therefore, I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on February 5, 2019 in the House Chamber.”

Shortly after receiving the invite, the president accepted.

“Thank you for your letter inviting me to deliver the State of the Union Address before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, February 5, 2019,” Trump wrote in reply. “It is my great honor to accept. We have a great story to tell and yet, great goals to achieve.

“I look forward to seeing you on the 5th.”


18 Comments on Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5

  1. Two against one. Trump will deliver the State of the Union, the media will tell us what we should think about the State of the Union and the Democrats will mirror the talking points they gave to the media. The majority of intelligent listeners will see through the hateful smoke and mirrors the media and democrat socialists throw our direction.

  2. So Jezebel wants Mr. T to wear a dog collar, donate his foreskin, and give her a pound of flesh as insurance.
    Trump can get rid of 145 pounds of ugly fat by sending this skank to prison.

  3. And think about this:
    On February 5th in history what do we have?
    The Immigration Act.
    The Mexican Constitution.
    Black History month.
    Can we add to that the Arrest of Nancy Piglosi for treason?

  4. I predict Pelosi will NOT NEGOTIATE one damn bit on the wall funding. And I predict Pres Trump will have to point that out in his SOTU while she she chews on her dentures behind him. Jarhead Cracka.

  5. No matter what he says, the Dumbocrats and their media pitbulls will spend the next 4 weeks, or longer, beating him up. Most Americans know that Washington is in the toilet and wasting Tax dollar. So what can he say that we don’t already know??

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