Pelosi is So Clueless James Woods Has Become Convinced She is a GOP Plant in Order to Sabotage the Democrats – IOTW Report

Pelosi is So Clueless James Woods Has Become Convinced She is a GOP Plant in Order to Sabotage the Democrats

12 Comments on Pelosi is So Clueless James Woods Has Become Convinced She is a GOP Plant in Order to Sabotage the Democrats

  1. She understands economics. Take a look at her bank account. She also understands strategy & propaganda. The entire platform of the left is that every thing is bad & broken & screwing you over. It’s simply that what is good for the average citizen is bad for the Democratic Party.

  2. I must be the only one ascared of higher wages. With all the easy money sloshing around from 9 years of ‘recovery,’ inflation seems like a hair trigger. Higher wages = inflation. Inflation = higher interest rates. Higher interest rates = recession. The end result isn’t good for consumer confidence.

    Of course, the “economists” have been predicting runaway inflation just about every year and it hasn’t happened; so what do I know.

  3. Nancy complains about wages not going up all the while helping to push the flood of low wage workers into the country and dragging individual earnings down. Math is hard!

  4. ecp: Yes!, only you are worried Americans will make more money for their work, WTF? You act like you know economics, but your statements prove you do not.
    Inflation at this point will be awesome. The more inflation, the less debt (easier to pay off debt)
    MAGA takes all this into consideration, and makes it moot. Chill out Negative Nancy, Trump has this.

  5. Trump, you magnificent bastard! You raised Pelosi’s taxes and made her cry!

    Since SALT is no longer deductible, her Fed taxes gave gone up 12-15%.

  6. @organgrinder June 10, 2018 at 5:23 am

    > Math is hard!

    It is that tragedy that caused Ms Pelosi (like so many other math challeneged rulers) to be stuck with so many millions in the bank, on such paltry public servant’s wages. If the numbers don’t add up, it’s not your fault that you can’t add.

  7. Taking their cue from Goebbels and Glavlit they don’t understand that they no longer have a monopoly on propaganda (ABC, CBS, and NBC have been superseded by a host of “alternate” media).
    They believe that whatever oozes and spews from their lips must be accepted as Gospel by, not just the media, but by the great unwashed masses of inconsequential peons who infest “flyover” country.

    Thus they lie, prevaricate, “spin,” exaggerate, obstruct, silence and, more or less, continue to act as if they have complete control over what America hears, reads, sees, and understands – which is true to a great extent – most people having neither the time nor the inclination to follow too closely. This is also why there is a deafening silence whenever their lies are juxtaposed, one with the other, plainly for all to see. This is why they ignore facts, pretending them out of existence, knowing that the docile purveyors of dissimulation will keep the wraps on as long as possible, until the general population has moved on to someone else’s new hairstyle.

    izlamo delenda est …

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