Pelosi, Newsom, Getty and Brown – IOTW Report

Pelosi, Newsom, Getty and Brown

California has been under the control of 4 families for decades and decades, and they have a little bit more work to do in order to completely destroy it.

ht/ janitor

15 Comments on Pelosi, Newsom, Getty and Brown

  1. Ummm, let’s see, the highest marginal tax rate (13.3%), the highest welfare numbers (one third of ALL welfare recipients in the nation live here), crushing homeless populations, the largest contingent of illegal immigrants, onerous regulations causing businesses to flee, dilapidated infrastructure rivaling Mosul or Aleppo, negligent land and water management, failing public schools, California is a veritable laboratory for progressive thought.

    I read an interesting analogy the other day, California democrats today is exactly like pre-civil war South Carolina Democrats, pretending to pioneer policies that the rest of the nation should emulate.

  2. toby miles
    Fucking incredible ain’t it. We just received a bankruptcy notice for PG&fuck me in the mail. Meanwhile, if your’e a day late paying your bill their ready to unplug your ass.

  3. All thru GWB’s presidency the left vilified oil. So the seditious gay Kenyan commie runs for the presidency. Goes to California for a fund raiser at the GETTY MANSION, where the treasonous gay Kenyan commie makes a famous statement about Republicans clinging to their guns and Bibles. Getty made his fortune in oil. No one reported on the hypocrisy.

  4. Re: Gavin Nemsome, I was sounding the alarm way back when he was Mayor of Sodom and Gomorrah, even then his horns and tail were obvious to me. Strictly on the danger meter, he makes Obama look like Pee-Wee Herman.


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