Pelosi Says Her District is Becoming “More Beautiful” (Progressive) Then Poo-Poos the NY District That Nominated the Democratic Socialist for Congress – IOTW Report

Pelosi Says Her District is Becoming “More Beautiful” (Progressive) Then Poo-Poos the NY District That Nominated the Democratic Socialist for Congress

Cretins like Nancy Pelosi are progressive to the degree that will ensure they get elected. They will represent any position as long as their lifestyle of power and enrichment is maintained.

Pelosi is in a bind. She has to represent a district that champions public displays of gay sex, heroin use, protecting illegal aliens from law enforcement, all the while maintaining a centrist front that keeps her as minority speaker of the house.

It’s a house built on illusion and deception and they wonder why it is in disarray.

Just embrace what your party has become —- socialist/marxist/communist. That way it can be winnowed down to the 15-20% of support it would receive in this country and we can get to rebuilding it without the left’s input.

6 Comments on Pelosi Says Her District is Becoming “More Beautiful” (Progressive) Then Poo-Poos the NY District That Nominated the Democratic Socialist for Congress

  1. She’s a Prog, but not a socialist Prog. So she’s not a SUPER prog, you see.
    California, she is going to die slumped over on her podium but you’ll never be rid of her, because the left will keep voting her carcass in. lol.

  2. Deplorable > Irredeemables. Proud to be part of the winning team.

    San Franciscans get a Pelosi participation trophy filled with feces and discarded hypodermic needles.


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