Pelosi Says She “Often Disagreed With Justice Kanice’s Interpretation of the Constitution” – IOTW Report

Pelosi Says She “Often Disagreed With Justice Kanice’s Interpretation of the Constitution”

Uhhhh, what? Can you repoot that?

ht/ kpark

43 Comments on Pelosi Says She “Often Disagreed With Justice Kanice’s Interpretation of the Constitution”

  1. The main thing I hate about Pelosi is how, when she was Speaker, she was allowed to take her entire family on a private military jet back and forth to San Francisco every weekend. Like she was a queen. And the entire Democrat Media Mafia said not a word in disgust and indignation. So I hate Pelosi. I hate the media even more.

  2. Although I cannot defend any of Nancy’s policies it is sad to see her deteriorate so rapidly. Could be the result of Alzheimer’s, senility or a stroke, who knows. The bottom line is she is no longer capable of being a member of congress much less leading a party. I do consider her on the wrong side of the fence but do not wish any diseases like this on anyone.

  3. I hope Pelosi never retires, just becomes the massive, iconic representation of what the Democratic party stands for, believes in, and thinks about.

    You go, girl! ….Lady in Red

  4. Adorable old fraud.
    She needs to retire and sit in the morning room of her mansion at her winery and complain that the Vintner is hiring illegals that are too tall, because she can see their heads over the grapevines and they are spoiling her view

  5. DAN
    Based on some things you’ve said; you live near Nancy, maybe in her district. Are you not insulted that she represents your area in Congress? I am insulted by Mad Max! And have said it. Max wins on color alone.
    But the good news , and it is both good and new, is that Don is almost a popular with Max’s group as Ronnie was. Over 20% are saying they like Don! If the tree continues (I think not) she will be very vulnerable. Nancy wins because – I know not!

  6. Repeating an earlier comment, yes her flying around all the time was sickening especially since her plane was fully loaded with booze paid for by taxpayers. The alcohol abuse has obviously pickled her brain.

  7. No Pelosi fan here by a long shot. But this clip is SEVERELY edited/patched. Don’t trust it as a fair representation. Why not just let her speak in toto? Certainly no downside to that. The mor Nan speaks the more people go WTF?

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