Pelosi Spins Her ‘Impromptu’ SOTU Shredding and Places Blame on… the Media? – IOTW Report

Pelosi Spins Her ‘Impromptu’ SOTU Shredding and Places Blame on… the Media?


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made waves when she shredded President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address earlier this month. The next day we learned that she planned to make a scene, as evidenced by video footage. She confirmed her desire for attention during an exclusive interview with CNN on Saturday.

“Are you giving a signal that the Democrats will fight back hard, that you will not be constrained by what you believe to be insurgent behavior on the other side, and that this is, you know, a time to go mano a mano?” CNN’s Christiane Amanpour asked. 

“Let me say this: I had no intention of doing that when we went to the State of the Union. In fact, I was well into past the first third of it. I’m a speed reader so I was reading ahead so I knew what was there. I got past about a third of it and I thought, ‘This is terrible,'” Pelosi explained. 

According to the speaker, she decided to put little tears in the areas of pages she wanted to remember. Except each page had something she thought was “rememberable.” read more

12 Comments on Pelosi Spins Her ‘Impromptu’ SOTU Shredding and Places Blame on… the Media?

  1. “..all we have done legislatively, whether it’s equal pay for equal work, raising the minimum wage, gun violence protection, issues that relate to our children..”

    Seriously? What a complete pile of bullshit.

    What have you done for your own shithole district, Nancy?

    Shameless, criminal liar.

    Take your millions, go home, and leave us the fuck alone.

  2. “Are you giving a signal that the Democrats will fight back hard, that you will not be constrained by what you believe to be insurgent behavior on the other side, and that this is, you know, a time to go mano a mano?”

    And now, Crusty Anne Man-Poor interviews Devin Nunes:

    “Aren’t you sending the message that Republicans will fight dirty, that you will not be constrained by ethics, and that this is, you know, a time to go scorched earth on the truth?”

  3. The whole interview was pre-written and the question was a setup to allow Pelosi to try to lie her way out of what’s going to be a devastating GOP election commercial. I can only hope that there is a little karma in this world and that Amanpour gets mugged some night by an illegal immigrant in the country because of federal Democrats stalling Trumps border enforcement and who was set free because of both the recent bail reforms by the state and the sanctuary city declaration by the local government. That way she’s getting screwed by all three levels of Democrat/Liberal government.


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