Pelosi: ‘Strong employment numbers mean little’ – IOTW Report

Pelosi: ‘Strong employment numbers mean little’

American Thinker: The New York Times headline reporting on the May jobs numbers that came out yesterday might go down in history: “We ran out of words to describe how good the jobs numbers are.”

The real question in analyzing the May jobs numbers released Friday is whether there are enough synonyms for “good” in an online thesaurus to describe them adequately.

So, for example, “splendid” and “excellent” fit the bill. Those are the kinds of terms that are appropriate when the United States economy adds 223,000 jobs in a month, despite being nine years into an expansion, and when the unemployment rate falls to 3.8 percent, a new 18-year low..

“Salubrious,” “salutary” and “healthy” work as words to describe the 0.3 percent rise in average hourly earnings, which are up 2.7 percent over the last year – a nice improvement but also not the kind of sharp increase that might lead the Federal Reserve to rethink its cautious path of interest rate increases.

Did aliens slip some mind-altering drug into the brains of New York Times editors?

No, but someone needs to give Nancy Pelosi a happy pill.

19 Comments on Pelosi: ‘Strong employment numbers mean little’

  1. ‘Strong employment numbers mean little’

    Maybe to you, you demented grommet.
    But for some reason, though you are worthless and counterproductive, you’re still employed.
    I hope this will be rectified soon.

  2. Lemme see. Wasn’t it Pelosi who rudely asked President Bush “Mister President, where are the jobs?” At the time, she had no idea President Bush’s leadership was creating jobs. Everyone but Pelosi was aware. Dumb ass.

  3. She’s so pathetic it’s funny. If God came and shook Trump’s hand and supported his policies, she would condemn God. Good Catholic that she is….

  4. The numbers on the economy mean a lot to working people. My son came very close to losing his new home during the Obama economy because his company had to cut his hours to 32 per week just to stay in business. Had I not helped him through that time, he and his family would have been in deep doo-doo. His company is thriving now and adding jobs. Thanks for nothing, Obama!

  5. Just wait. The NYT will soon have the inevitable story entitled “Can The Trump Crash Be Far Off?”

    “May 2018, eerily similar to May 1928, exactly ninety years ago. Back then, Pres. Herbert Hoover and his top economists were saying things like ‘prosperity is here to stay’, and Hoover even promised ‘two cars in every garage and a chicken in every pot’. Only a few brave souls at that time foresaw the future stock market crash and following economic depression, most of whom were practically run out of town on rails or bullied into silence. But now we know better than to believe what politicians and presidents say. Crashes always follow Republican browbeating about how wonderful the economy is. We all know what happened after the 1929 crash: ten year of hardship for American workers, followed by a terrible world war. That’s the scenario that we should expect after The Trump Expansion – The Trump Crash”.

  6. You guys are not giving Nazi a break. She has to have her baby talk converter come in to explain these numbers in baby talk. Any number bigger than 22 causes her to enter a catatonic state which can last for months.

  7. Caught up in her own lies and horseshit, Crazy lady never tires of being wrong. Probably incapable of knowing the difference.

    Keep yappin’ Nan.


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