Pelosi Takes Heat for Failed Negotiations on Coronavirus Relief Bill – IOTW Report

Pelosi Takes Heat for Failed Negotiations on Coronavirus Relief Bill


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) took heat during interviews by CNN and Fox News anchors after weeks of coronavirus relief negotiations resulted in a stalemate in Congress and executive action by President Donald Trump. 

CNN anchor Dana Bash on Sunday questioned Pelosi on the Democrats’ proposed $600 weekly unemployment benefit, asking the speaker whether she would be willing to compromise at $400. 

“I’m not negotiating that right here,” Pelosi said. “It depends on what else is in the bill.”

Bash then questioned the speaker’s ability to compromise with Republicans.  more here

18 Comments on Pelosi Takes Heat for Failed Negotiations on Coronavirus Relief Bill

  1. That photo of her looks like the exact moment she found out about President Trump’s executive orders that undermined the democraps’ attempt to load the bill with commie goodies…
    PS – I LOVE typing “President Trump”!

  2. They have painted themselves into a corner… on so many fronts now that it is hard to keep up. Trump can sit back and observe then move in and slap them silly… or not. They cannot mount an offense that is effective because they have to defend on so many fronts right now that head fakes draw wild swings that catch only air.

  3. The Democratic aspirations for a change in leadership are falling like boulders being loosened by the clean hard rain that is President Donald Trump.

    The rocks and rotten underpinnings of the swamp are being exposed so fast and so obviously that we don’t need to pile on any more. Don’t give anyone any excuse for a pity-party.

  4. Chrissy Wallace had Steven Mnuchin on immediately after Nancy. Mnuchin bitch slapped Wallace and drove a stake thru Nancy’s black heart. Best I’ve ever seem Mnuchin.


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