Pelosi: ‘This is Really Quite an Exciting Time for Us…’ – IOTW Report

Pelosi: ‘This is Really Quite an Exciting Time for Us…’

( – Near the beginning of her press briefing today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.), dressed in black, described the current moment as “really quite an exciting time for us,” and then, describing it as a “sad time,” cited the number of people who have died from COVID-19, the number who are infected and the number who have lost their jobs.

“This is really quite an exciting time for us because we have a monumental need for our country at this sad time,” Pelosi said–as reflected in the video of her briefing posted by C-SPAN. MORE

24 Comments on Pelosi: ‘This is Really Quite an Exciting Time for Us…’

  1. “I have heard of your paintings too, well enough; God has given you one face and you make yourselves another:”

    Apparently she’s hired Bozo the Clown’s make-up guy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The hate I have for this bitch is nearing Obama level rage. Folks are losing a lifetime of work and I heard her yesterday say, yes it’s incovenient. Gee thanks for the heads up bitch.

    There are millions of heavily armed people getting pushed to the edge. Someone is going to start this party.

  3. She’ll have dual tvs on tonight with CNN’s Color of Covid on one, and MS, it doesn’t matter, on the other with Ezekiel ‘Beaker’Emanuel, talking about controlling the population.

  4. . “Nearly 85,000 people tragically dead. Nearly 1.4 million people infected. More than 36 million people have lost their jobs and filing for unemployment.”

    Truly shocking numbers in a tiny nation of only 330,000,000 people.

  5. @MMinAR May 15, 2020 at 9:44 am

    > There are millions of heavily armed people getting pushed to the edge. Someone is going to start this party.

    Since you’re lolling about. You are correct in the latter. Absurdist in mentioning the former.

    For those still waiting, praying, couch riding, for the cavalry — yes, they’re out there… somewhere. They are not any of the “patriots”, “preppers”, nor “Party sworn”. For yous brahs that don’t math — the equivalence is that none of the the “patriots”, “preppers”, nor “Party sworn” can (not merely “will” but “can”) be on “your” side. There have been years, decades, now (this, the current year) generations of The Party, The One Party, the Universal Party, The Eternal Party, doing The Party’s thing. And none (that is zero — not within a defined margin of error, it might be — but, complete, and total, zero) of the living “patriots”, “preppers”, and “Party sworn” have done anything. Except supply feedstock, to The Party. To strengthen the attacks of The Party. Against you. And they’ve always got — a new, the same, a shiny, newly, polished, old — reason. For why their an hero support of The Party. Is fighting against The Party. Resist they much. They are what they are.

    Just a math trick. To keep you amused. During this, the current, plague time. Maybe you’ll pause. Before running to the banner, any banner, flown. Because it’s so boring in the house. And those “patriots”, “preppers”, and “Party sworn” promise they’ll “do” The Party. For just a “small” “down payment”. Again. This, the current, time. Same as it ever was.

  6. It’s only exciting if you’re a sadist Nancy.
    Most people don’t find Chinese Virus, losing your business, going broke because you can’t work, wearing a mask, or standing in line at the grocery store exciting.

  7. Nancy: Wow, I just drove past 3 dead guys in San Nancisco yesterday. Just lying on the sidewalk, dead. I found out later they all had the corona. Last week I saw four. I haven’t seen so many dead people since I had to dodge mortar fire in Afghanistan back in 2016.

    Where else can you find so many dead people laying on the sidewalk? Only in my city. It’s exciting as all hell!


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