Pelosi Throws John ‘Icon’ Conyers under the bus – IOTW Report

Pelosi Throws John ‘Icon’ Conyers under the bus

CFP: Nancy Pelosi does a sudden about face on John Conyers – has decided to believe accusers.

Yesterday, we discussed the fact that Nancy Pelosi was jumping through hoops to doubt the troubling accusations aimed at “the icon,” John Conyers. As you’ll recall, Pelosi was mildly grilled by Chuck Todd and her answer was a complete disaster. She began by portraying the ethically-challenged Senator as a hero…

“We are strengthened by due process. Just because someone is accused and was it one accusation, is it two? John Conyers is an icon in our country. He has done a great deal to protect women, the Violence Against Women Act, which the right-wing is now quoting me as praising him for his work on that and he did great work on that.”

…Then she decided to cast doubt on his (previously paid-off) accusers. “Do you believe John Conyers’ accusers?” Todd asked.

“I don’t know who they are? Do you? They have not really come forward.”

Actually, at least one of them came forward years ago, and was given a big fat pile of hush money.  That should probably have been enough for Pelosi, but no; she decided John Conyers’ career was the Titanic upon which she would rearrange the deck chairs.

Having realized she hit a PR iceberg, Pelosi has now backpedaled. Last night, she changed her tune 

11 Comments on Pelosi Throws John ‘Icon’ Conyers under the bus

  1. “the Violence Against Women Act, which the right-wing is now quoting me as praising him for his work on that and he did great work on that.”

    work ?

    what work did he do ?
    dig a ditch ? chop wood ? drive a bulldozer ? catch a rapist ? bake an abused women a cake ? just what work was done by this women abuser that deserves praise ?

    he what ? attended meetings, signed his name on a bill and chased the secretary around his desk ?

    these people amaze me at what they consider work.

  2. Times, they are a-changin. It used to be that a politician like Pelosi could go on a main stream news show and lie in order to defuse a situation like Conyers. But the percentage of Americans who actually watch or read MSM stories is statistically very small, and that great beast we call the internet is there to make sure things are on the up and up.

    Conyers has an ethical and public relations problem (in addition to a harassment addiction problem), and Pelosi almost made Conyers problem her own problem. Democrats would love nothing more than to do what they have always done with these scandals, which is ignore them or cover them up, but the MSM can’t keep a lid on them and now the Democrats are forced to eat their own. What Nancy Pelosi demonstrated recently is that for Democrats, it’s now every man for himself.

  3. Conyers is old-school Stepan Fetchitt for the Demonrat Massahs and they’re tired of his tap-dance. The Organ Grinder needs a new monkey – a new one like Obola.

    Apparently Conyers, even though he’s a thief, a liar, and corrupt – had enough sense to understand that America, if for no other reason, was worth saving to maintain the level of plunder required by the nihilistic socialists (goose-golden egg-&c.). The new masters of Inter-National-Nihilistic-Socialism think that it’s time for America to sink into irrelevancy.
    (Just a guess)

    izlamo delenda est …

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