Pelosi Touts Biden’s Accomplishments in “Economic and Environmental Justice” – IOTW Report

Pelosi Touts Biden’s Accomplishments in “Economic and Environmental Justice”

Unfortunately Environmental Justice (whatever that is) seems to aversely affect economics.

14 Comments on Pelosi Touts Biden’s Accomplishments in “Economic and Environmental Justice”

  1. Hey Nano, what’s in the queue for some “speculative” day trading? Had any good “dreams” lately?

    Corrupt, drunk and delusional is no way to go through life but hey, it’s working for the Eyebrow Queen.

  2. This is the same drunkard who said Trump’s tax cuts were “breadcrumbs” yet was celebrating Obama’s $40 “tax cut” which was accidental and not even planned.
    She is a pathological liar. After all, she a democrat politician.

  3. To the left, and everyone who spews this crap:
    Justice should be blind to class, race, history, background, or beliefs.
    Worse, equity is not the same as equality. Equality is a concept of opportunity. Equity now means that everyone is the same. NO, individuality separates and unites us. I accept you as you are, you accept me as I am, even though we are not the same. That does not mean that I accept your beliefs, but I am willing to allow you to have them. If you cannot accept that and reciprocate, then the problem isn’t with me, it is with you.

  4. He can eat an ice cream cone by himself while walking, crap his own diaper, lie like a dog, appoint the stupidest people to jobs they have no understanding about and will nominate a scotus pick based on color and sex,not on credentials and then blame americans for being rasist and sexists. Thats all his accomplishments I can remember, and what a fine list it is.

  5. “Economic and Environmental Justice” are not real things. Anyone who tells you they are is trying to sell you something.

    In Pelosi’s case, that something is bullsh*t.

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