Pelosi Vows Dems Will Raise Taxes If They Take Back The House – IOTW Report

Pelosi Vows Dems Will Raise Taxes If They Take Back The House

DC: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi vowed Wednesday that Democrats will rework the GOP tax bill if they successfully retake the House in the 2018 midterm elections.

Speaking at a Culver City town hall event as part of the “Repeal the Trump Tax” tour, Pelosi pledged that Democrats would overhaul the tax bill into one that “creates growth, creates good-paying jobs, as it reduces the deficit.”

“Over 80 percent of the benefits go to the top 1 percent,” Pelosi said of the GOP tax cuts. “Eighty-six million middle-class families will see a tax increase while they advertise it as a middle-class bill.”

According to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the average household will receive a tax cut of $1,610 in 2018. Only 5 percent of taxpayers will see increased taxes in 2018.

California Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu, speaking alongside Pelosi at the event, said the GOP tax cuts would result in “deep cuts to Social Security, to Medicare, to all these critical programs that serve a lot of Americans.”  more here

18 Comments on Pelosi Vows Dems Will Raise Taxes If They Take Back The House

  1. There are enough dumb people out there who’ll buy what Pelosi and the Dems are selling about how bad tax cuts are…I see it in comments on FB. Stupid zombies…”haaaaaate Truuuuummmp”

  2. What they MEAN IS, is that taxes will be used in a way so that their voters and donors will benefit, and a % will be fedback into their re-election campaigns.

    That’s the only focus their policies ever have. “All for the party, none for the unbelievers!”

  3. @Bad_Brad: That will never happen, because then they’ll be forced to admit that all the gold that’s supposed to be in Fort Knox isn’t really there anymore.

    — Just kidding (I hope).


  4. Whatever happened to that Ted Cruz bill that would make the tax cuts permanent? That was the big Dem complaint, which was because Senate needed to pass it with 51 votes. But both GOP and Dems supposedly want that, and all it would take is 60 Senate votes.

  5. It seems like dementia would work in our favor once in a while like Nancy having an episode and proclaiming the end of the welfare state but nooooooooooooooooooo………

  6. “tax cuts would result in “deep cuts to Social Security, to Medicare”

    no it won’t because we borrow vast amounts now to fund all these programs and will still continue to borrow to fund these programs because it’s what the bankers want.

    they are getting richer off the interest.

    which then buys them more power to force us to borrow more.

  7. This is a winning strategy for the parasitic class – illegal-alien invaders, Urban Denizens, Gov’t Workers, Union Maggots, Cops, Teachers – everyone whose existence is subsidized by the fewer and fewer productive members of society.

    Don’t underestimate the jealousy and cupidity of the voters.

    Also don’t forget, the so-called “Republicans” have left us STILL saddled with ObolaCare! They care NOT for America or the American people or the Constitution – only for themselves and the vast amounts they can steal.
    The proof is before your eyes. Only your ears can distinguish the grunts, whistles, and cacophony of lies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”

    Not a joke. A Dem principle.

    They miss this and hope their victims are still addicted to the shared misery and want it’s return.

  9. Nanny Pee and her henchmen are going to do what Trump’s doing, only they’re going to do it with more of YOUR money?
    Yeah, keep selling that line, clusterfuck.


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