Pelosi’s breakdown? – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s breakdown?

Repeats words, tells audience to clap, Kasich ‘gov of Illinois’.

Is there something wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

During a Friday appearance before Families USA — the activist group fighting the repeal of Obamacare — Pelosi was seen repeating words, telling the audience when to clap and mistakingly said John Kasich was the governor of Illinois.

Pelosi began by thanking the person who introduced her for his “recanting of what happened at the time” Democrats and activist groups rammed through Obamacare.

She recalled telling her fellow Democrats that the Affordable Care Act was going to be a major achievement for government programs, and “stand there with Social Security and Medicare and Medicare,” apparently meaning to say “Medicaid.”

She attempted to butter up the audience by heaping praise on Families USA.

After attendees didn’t clap after she congratulated them for her work, she said, “When I said we could not have done it without Families USA, that is an applause line for you.” —There’s video

38 Comments on Pelosi’s breakdown?

  1. She is 76 – and yes she is demonstrating a lot of signs my grandmother did when she was advancing in Alzheimers. It could have been happening for years but no one noticed because she is so nuts. Calling Trump Bush just seemed to be a typical Pelosi. Pretty sad when you start making that transition and no one notices until it starts getting really bad! And the Dems are saying Trump’s mental health should be tested!

  2. Every member of Congress should be required to take and pass an annual physical, and publish the results including all medications taken within the last year, every year. This should be scheduled well in advance of elections.
    All candidates should be required to publish their physicals and medications as well.

    We should also require random drug and alcohol testing throughout every session of Congress.
    Half the Dems would be disqualified within the first week.

  3. As long as she still has a pulse her staff will run her for reelection. She’ll win.
    She won’t be the first, nor the last, wrinkled old prune that’s kept in office as the fund raiser, vote caster, vote getter figurehead, though barely conscious. They won’t let them go until adjoining offices complain about the stench from the body decay.

    Even Alan Colmes kept tweeting for hours after he had passed away. NP can advance the cause long after she hasn’t a clue who she is or where she is. The staff only needs to carefully manage her public appearances. They’ve had lots of practice – just look at how far they advanced Hildabeast.

  4. Limit all pols to 12 years of hogging at the public trough (elected, appointed, and SES) and we won’t see these kinds of problems.
    With her, or with the likes of John McCain, either.
    You’ve stolen enough; move along, now, so some other miscreant can have a chance.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If there was ever a case for the teleprompter this is it. She does seem to have lost her mental capacity to think and talk clearly. Wait, what? Nevermind, I lost it for a second myself and had some empathy for this creature.

  6. pay no mind ..if Hillary could pass out, fall over and go cross-eyed while campaigning with a hole in her tongue then pelosi looks pretty good in comparison.
    at least they can still vote after their dead.

  7. I watched her trying to explain what a “scape goat is”
    made me laugh because she says she is a devote catholic but doesn’t have a clue what a “scape-goat” was about.
    Can I call her a ding-bat?

  8. I started to get on the band wagon with you guys, but I have found even social media needs some draining, whatcha say guys. Want to kill her with kindness? Pelosi that is. As far as the Dems or Reps we need to stick together as Americans. We need to get rid of any one that has an agenda.

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