Pelosi’s pants on fire— AGAIN. – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s pants on fire— AGAIN.

Pelosi’s is wearing the Hot Depends Pants…

She claimed the GOP blocked Wisconsin voters from voting, giving Trump an unfair and illegitimate election victory in the state.


In October 2019, the Wisconsin Elections Commission sent letters to 234,000 voters it believed may have moved because of information it received from various government entities, including the post office.

Recipients simply were asked to re-register at their new address if they had moved or to confirm their current address if it was the same.

Democrats apparently think there’s some kind of nefarious conspiracy behind the fact that slightly more of the mailings went to municipalities won by Hillary Clinton in 2016 than those won by Trump.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel found 55% went to Democratic-majority municipalities, the Daily Wire said.

“More than 200,000 registered Wisconsin voters prohibited from voting”? Nonsense, concluded PolitiFact.


23 Comments on Pelosi’s pants on fire— AGAIN.

  1. You know shit really stinks when it burns. With these Progs now SCREAMING daily & crapping their underbritches about Voting Rolls being purged of Dead People or people that may have moved to a different State so they can’t count votes from them in multiple States.

  2. Um, not to put too fine a point on things, but as a public official of record, isn’t that Lying sack of overripe manure subject to ANY KIND of consequences for her bald-faced LYING?! Isn’t that, in itself, a form of voter manipulation and FRAUD?! Isn’t that a misrepresentation of her elected office?! Where is the water’s edge on blatant prevarication?

  3. Her brain is so pickled in drugs and alcohol, she cannot longer determine what is true and what is fantasyland. What she says needs to be confirmed from at least three other sources.

  4. They’re being told by their handlers to push this pedal to the metal. They’re desperate and scared. They very well COULD make this go HOT.

    Watch Virginia also.

  5. Wow, I think the whole lot of you had somebody pee in their cornflakes this morning or this pelosi woman is:

    Hey Nan,

    You are a cunt cunt cunt cunt
    a big fat stupid cunt
    everybody knows
    from your head to your toes
    you’re a big ol stinkin cunt.

    I believe that’s what the consensus is.

    Thanks for the wammies.

  6. I live in Wisconsin. Our new governor is a D-bag liberal. He is the one that started this nonsense. He’s also a gun grabber who fly’s the GAY flag over our state capital building. Pelosi is full of shit.

  7. Hey MJA! That’s some pretty rough language coming from a lady. If you were to knock on Nancy’s door and announce MJA is here I think you’ll have the security guards attention.

  8. Pelosi belongs behind bars as much as hillary clinton, biden, kerry and obama.

    We know she’s involved in the looting of US aid given to the Ukraine. We know this impeachment sham is an attempt at a cover-up. Feinstein is in the pockets of the Chi Comms.

    More naming of names, anybody?

  9. They can’t accept the 2016 election results and they continue to suggest a 2020 win will be illegitimate. Meanwhile Pelosi invites Trump for a state of the union ‘in the spirit of respecting the constitution’. Last time she respected it by denying him at first. She and the dems are the biggest threat to the constitution and this country that exists today,

  10. This is an outrage. My great grandpappy hasn’t moved from his grave for almost 60 years – yet Wisconsin has removed him from the voter rolls.

  11. Remember what it felt like the night oblowme was re-elected (cheated back into office)? Times that by about a trillion for the Left in 2020. It’s gonna be rough on ’em.


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