Pence Busted Not Pumping Gas – IOTW Report

Pence Busted Not Pumping Gas

52 Comments on Pence Busted Not Pumping Gas

  1. What? Pence is the greatest candidate since Trump. Why, he’ll win in Iowa and then bow out to let Trump win, that’s how awesome he is.

    Hell, Pence is just getting started. We should all back Pence otherwise it’s divide and conquer.

  2. Pence has always been a know nothing phony. I recognized it before he was VP at CPAC. He is a nothing burger.

    And how many times do I need to unsubscribe from his texts and emails before he’ll leave me alone?

  3. I mentioned in a previous thread about Enima the rapper that he was clueless and wouldn’t know the price of eggs, milk and bread.

    Ditto for Pence and the rest of the Beltway Buffoons that run the country.

  4. Oh I got the right thread.

    Pence is golden. The best. Unbeatable. Anybody not on board is a dem. We need to move on. Forget the coup we’re living under, that’s just Q conspiracy crap.

    Pence. Pence. PENCE

  5. You have no quotes. I’m invincible. Pence is the great White hope.
    Pence is the only choice for sane people.

    Only a dem would bring up SOROS.

    Face it, Pence is the man.

  6. Again. You have nothing. Except hatred for the White race. No doubt due to the fact you wear a tiny hat.


    I will keep promoting Pence since he’s the only candidate who stands a chance.

  7. Are you really so clueless as to not recognize what I’m doing?


    This is why I walk away from this site and go do constructive things. Like today, I’m going to go pick up a WRX.

    No possible way I can keep doing this with a straight face.

  8. Well, yeah… Beeping aside, he stepped out of (apparently) his truck and lifted the nozzle with no POS interaction whatsoever.

    You used to be able to do that. Then go in and pay. But those days have been long gone for, golly, a long time.

  9. I knew what you were doing Burr. I enjoy your word workerys’s
    Pence is in that special spot that is hard to master, that’s when everybody can’t stand him.
    Maybe some guacamole bowls at 1 dollar a pop could help. Frankly, it’s not my concern.

  10. Brad, stop, you must be trolling at this point.
    I mean, you are the insult king here for crying out loud.

    Brad’s rules for posting:
    1) Tell a lie
    2) Say it’s documented
    3) Never provide documentation
    4) Tell more lies
    5) Insult when his lie is exposed
    6) Insult more, use homo-type slander for best effect (in his mind)
    7) Threaten physical violence
    8) Say “he’s out”
    9) He’s back with more threats and insults
    10) Rinse & repeat

  11. I’ve done forgotten her name, but there was some stupid woman that I think ran in the primary against Trump in 2016. I remember her going to the Iowa State Fair in her new checkered shirt and new square toed boots. She looked totally ridiculous and every country person everywhere knew how fake she was. That’s Pence.

  12. Ya know.. he could have been in touch with the voter base and jumped out with a Biden “I did that” sticker and affixed it to the pump as the first order of business. Then no one would notice he didn’t pay.

  13. Tony R

    LOL. I was thinking the same thing earlier today. But I’m not sure how much good those 10 votes will do. But then there’s fat boy who will do the same. And he has a larger family, literally, so that maybe 20 votes. lol

  14. So whoever Pence endorses carries weight?
    Millions of people support DeSantis but if this one dude does I’M OUT!

    Do you guys ever re-read what you write?

    BTW, I doubt he will endorse anyone.
    The only reason he would, would be to shit on Trump even more.
    Let’s face it, DeSantis is the only guy who can beat Trump, albeit a long shot.
    He will likely get plenty of unsavory characters to support him.

    But remember, Disney gave money to his campaign and he still did the right thing.
    He can’t be bought.

  15. 2018 WRX limited or something. The sti’s are more like std’s. Problems and no resale value.

    Regular old shifting. I know what you mean though,the weird subaru trans.

    Oh….and obviously Pence is the second coming of Cary Grant. No one stands a chance against his implacable might.

    He’s de’ lightful. de’ ope. de’stined even.

  16. HEY! First off 27K is not an economy car. It’s a “pre-owned” something or other.

    2nd. It’s turbo charged all wheel World Rally eXperimental.
    Literally what WRX stands for. The most popular rally car ON THE PLANET,

    Also, it’s for my kid. So shut yer cookie hole.

    You should be happy my kids have a dad who can afford something fun and cool but still safe.

    But yeah, I’m old enough to remember when it was simply FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES and they made ships and big ass cranes instead of whipy lil’ cars that go everywhere.



    I’m 3 vehicles past that and wrapping up the business so I can concentrate on motorpickles. So, not interested in your car opinion. You bitter pickle eating old man.


    Bro, MOPAR deal is still on. The Military guys have been kicking my ass and expedites aaaaand, our local popo decided they had to have one of our guns for a retiring member of the tri county drug enforcement what ever. Fck me. I got $2800.00 into this shooter and these cheap bastards haven’t brought me a dime. I better get a get out of jail free card outa dis.

  18. 2800 wont even buy a transmission.

    I’m 62K into my deals and this is the first fucking fiscal quarter for me.

    Finish building pop guns for overgrown kids and let me know when we’re breaking the sound barrier.

    But yeah… this WRX is the ugliest car I’ve ever seen and I’ve been to France.


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