Pence Gives Biden Shill, George Stepandfetchit, What For – IOTW Report

Pence Gives Biden Shill, George Stepandfetchit, What For

20 Comments on Pence Gives Biden Shill, George Stepandfetchit, What For

  1. …IDK, I was 1 state over when he was Governor of IN and I still remember how quickly his principled, righeous stand wilted before the foul breath of the Gaystapo there over a matter where he took bold action and then immediatey abandoned it because, politics. And he’s got far worse enemies than homos this time.

    Not saying he couldn’t have pulled his pants up and became a man since then.

    Just saying I need more than a few words to actually BELIEVE it…

  2. What a piece of crap, that TV hack is. After Pence tells him that Joe was against what Trump did at the very beginning the little s$$t throws in a lie and tries to go on. Pence however doesn’t allow it. Good for him. He needs to get his boxing gloves on because if he wants to succeed Trump he’ll need to be able to fight against the lying MSM 24 hours a day.

  3. I’ve seen that asshole Stefenoogles(whatever) pull that exact same move numerous times. Pence wouldn’t let him get away with it.

    Good I guess. You don’t get cookies for making your bed and writing thank you notes though.

    A reminder to George at that point about why being called fake news is accurate would be cookie worthy.

  4. I think the negative view of Pence from the right has been primarily due to lack of seeing and hearing him. I think Pence is a viable candidate to replace Trump in 2024 and always have considered him as such. He can handle himself – and he drives the leftists crazy. His personal life is clearly more conservative than Trump’s.

  5. “ I think Pence is a viable candidate to replace Trump in 2024”

    I’d much rather see another kick ass biz guy in there. A basic understanding of the economy is important. They’d be stupid to do it, but I’d vote for Eric or Don Jr in a heartbeat

  6. Pence is ok only if ‘guided’ by a guy like Trump.

    Pence would wilt in two seconds if no one sat on him. So would every Republican POS, except the likes of Devin Nunes, Louis Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Mike Pompeo.

    Pence is Trump’s beta.

  7. Maybe, FINALLY some of Trump is rubbing off on Pence.
    I’m sure Pence has read how many on the left have been saying Kamala is gonna wipe the floor with Pence in their debates. Pence has said he’s NOT WORRIED.
    So maybe THIS is the NEW Mike Pence!
    At least let’s HOPE SO!

  8. Pence missed an opportunity to point out to Snuffleupagus that so-called experts first predicted that 2.2 million people were going to die and that turned out to wildly inaccurate.

  9. Recall that Trump put Pence in charge of the virus response for the administration, that means little Georgie is directly insulting Pence while trying to get at the president. No wonder Pence was finally animated.

  10. As much as I’m against the whole Dynasty thing, after listening to Don Jr the past 4 years and reading his last book, the guy is solid. And as fearless as his dad. I definitely wouldn’t reject him out of hand.

    At this point I like Kristi Noem, soft spoken but tough as nails and has done a great job in SD but we have a great cast of possibles already. Pence isn’t going to coast in that’s for sure.

    Compare that to the freak show dem primary with Biden?? the cream that came to the top??? And it’s guaranteed to be as bad or worse in 2024.

  11. Kristi (my guv, you cant have her yet) was campaigning for Papa T in penn this week so I think she will begin to have more influence in those bigger circles. SD is a tiny state, only 850K on a good day, so when we get noticed its nice, but it also attracts others. Our realestate is a big sellers market, attracting californians not that that is entirely bad, many bikers were house hunting and I’d take them over subaru owners. Anyway, i got off track. I dont know who God has in mind to follow Trump, but we have to remember that God chose the kenyan buffoon to rub our faces in liberalism. Whoever he choses must be stronger and better than Papa T. Don or Eric? Seems like a good choice, but whoever it is is going to have Kristi as second billing, count on that.

  12. I don’t trust Pence. I think he was the one that Trump trusted to help him with his administration picks in his first term, the very ones who stabbed Trump in the back over and over.


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