Penn Female Swimmer Anonymously Opposes Tranny Record Breaking Teammate – IOTW Report

Penn Female Swimmer Anonymously Opposes Tranny Record Breaking Teammate


“When the whole team is together, we have to be like, ‘Oh my gosh, go Lia, that’s great, you’re amazing.’ It’s very fake,” she added.

Needless to say, 2021 has been a huge change for the Penn women’s swimming team compared to where the program was in 2019 and the early part of 2020 before COVID caused the shutdown of the program for the 2020 season. Members of the team were first alerted to the forthcoming change in 2019 when Thomas, who was second-team All-Ivy League as a male during the 2018-19 season, announced that he would be going through the transition that would allow him to compete as a woman under the NCAA’s transgender policy. More

15 Comments on Penn Female Swimmer Anonymously Opposes Tranny Record Breaking Teammate

  1. All those hours of grueling training, diet, time spent away from family and friends and then having it all taken away by a guy in a dress. Why don’t transes have their own olympics. Don’t crash the women’s sports, you bastard!

  2. It’s too bad that today’s politics forces anonymity among athletes that have all the right in the world to speak out against commie traitors that force their perversion on the rest of the world.

  3. So the slippery slope argument really never was a fallacy. First we just want equal rights, then we want more than equal rights. Then we must push our mental illness on society and insist it’s normal.

  4. Every single female participant in any event with this guy needs to loudly stand up and walk out of the event and let him and his tiny pecker be the only ones competing in that event.

    Film that and post it all over social media.

  5. @ Rock Knuthe DECEMBER 10, 2021 AT 7:54 PM

    Agreed. I’m fairly certain that the Ivy League does not offer athletic scholarships so these girls will not lose any scholarship money, but they should wait for a meet, they should just quit until the coach is fired and the administrators that allowed this are fired as well.

    It shouldn’t have to be this way, but sometimes we have to do what we don’t want to do to make things change. And this has to change.

  6. I’m calling fake news!

    There’s no way! No possible way! A bunch of girls would get together, and bad mouth whichever of them is the new star!

    That’s not who girls are!

  7. This truly pisses me off on so many levels!!! The coach is a pathetic excuse as well!! Where are all the “feminists”?….Just because this GUY decided to swing from the other side of the plate doesn’t mean we have to pitch to him the same.

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