Pennsylvania Case Still Pending Before SCOTUS – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Case Still Pending Before SCOTUS

Jenna Ellis, one of the lead attorneys representing the president in his legal fight for a free and fair election, has tweeted a clarification on the SCOTUS ruling on the lawsuit against Pennsylvania.

“The Supreme Court only denied emergency injunctive relief. In the order, it did NOT deny cert.” More

4 Comments on Pennsylvania Case Still Pending Before SCOTUS

  1. “Of the 9 swing states, 8 have Republican legislators if one or more decide that balloting is chaotic and marred by irregularities, they could send what they regard as the legitimate slate of electors which would be Republican.”

    The election was not stolen throughout the states that it was stolen in, the theft took place in Democrat strongholds where Democrats completely control the voting apparatus. The problem is that the Republican establishment is an integral part of the progressive movement. They play a bit part in the production, not unlike the wrestler who plays the villain. Their fidelity to the Constitution is nothing but an act. The fact is they are hostile to the Constitution and enemies of the conservative cause. Just look at what Paul Ryan was doing behind the scenes the first two years of Trump’s first term if you want to comprehend the lack of character that all but defines establishment Republicans.


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