Pennsylvania Democrats Change Website After RNC Questions If It Was Recruiting Out-of-State Poll Watchers – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Democrats Change Website After RNC Questions If It Was Recruiting Out-of-State Poll Watchers


Pennsylvania Democrats changed its website after the Republican National Committee (RNC) questioned its practices in recruiting poll watchers, as it appeared it was actively recruiting out-of-state individuals to serve in that capacity.

The RNC spotted the issue last week, which, at the time, could be found directly on the Pennsylvania Democrats website. Under a section titled “Election Day Poll Observers,” the website referred to poll watchers as the “eyes and ears on the ground at polling places across the state on election day” and explicitly stated that a “poll Observer must be physically present in PA for their shift, but do not necessarily have to be PA voters.”

As Breitbart News reported, there are three requirements for being a poll watcher under Pennsylvania law, one of which is that the potential poll watcher must be “a qualified registered elector of the county where the election district (polling place) is located for which the watcher is appointed.”

Because Democrats essentially suggested that poll watchers do not necessarily have to be Pennsylvania voters, it forced the RNC to bring the matter to Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt, ultimately asking him to “demand the PA Dems cease and desist from publishing inaccurate election information to the public.” more here

4 Comments on Pennsylvania Democrats Change Website After RNC Questions If It Was Recruiting Out-of-State Poll Watchers

  1. Philadelphia lawyers and Pittsburgh “stealers” would have our state become another commiepornia if they could, laws be damned and common sense be avoided if it gives them an inch over anyone else.

    Usually it is the Black Panthers and money for votes that is in play but now trying to sneak in a dumb and from outside?

    Ka mama and Tampon Tim must really be behind…

  2. That’s nice. Will there be a follow up to see how many poll watchers are not legally performing their functions? The “victory” now is that they can’t advertise for them.

    It doesn’t matter much anyway because their courts have ruled that dates on mail in ballots don’t matter. They can manufacture ballots after the election in as many numbers as needed and of course they’ll be counted.

    Pennsylvania is lost.

    The 18th is getting closer. Will Trump end up in prison? Is a frogs ass water tight?


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